It'd be hilarious if this just popped up on one of those random trivia slides that they show in theaters while you're waiting for your movie to start. 

It's funny how one's perspective can change over time lol.It'd be hilarious if this just popped up on one of those random trivia slides that they show in theaters while you're waiting for your movie to start.
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To be fair, after tracking this down I realized that I had you confused with Jaws, who initially loved TROS even more than you did.![]()
No boss battles this time around.
Overall I was very happy with the movie and the incredible effort made to make sense out of the cluster that was the PT + OT + unexplained 32 year gap + TFA + RJ, lol.
And I'll say right up once again that my #1 fan-fiction wish for the finale ever since watching TFA was to have Rey put on the Vader mask, distract Kylo, then run him through. I never actually thought I'd get that of course but then Leia kind of did that by seemingly appearing in Kylo's mind with a Palpatine-esque hood...which distracted him so that Rey could run him through. Well **** close enough I say.
The Rey/Kylo/Palpatine scenes were fantastic IMO almost straight across the board (though I didn't love showing a massive Sith legion only to have them just stand there and die.) The thing that kind of blows my mind though, and the one thing I thought was an absolutely sure thing, was that they did indeed show the mother of all space battles...and it was kind of unexciting. Um, what??That's a head scratcher for sure. All right then, expectations subverted I guess, lol.
However I loved almost everything else.
So Ben Solo (not Rey, Luke or Anakin) becomes "the most powerful Jedi" ever by keeping the person he cared about from dying. The Sith legend fulfilled, after the ultimate destruction of the Sith, a Sith legend that could only be fulfilled by a Jedi since it requires the person doing the saving to die. That I wasn't expecting. That was excellent. It really casts those ROTS scenes with Palpatine telling Anakin that together one day they'll achieve that power in a different light since together they *did* achieve that power through their combined grandchildren.
I liked that the mystery of Rey's power was that she was merely a Force conductor and not the most powerful Force user. That's how I saw it anyway. The entirety of the Sith vs. the entirety of the Jedi doing battle through their respective proxies (Palps clone and Rey) one last time.
I liked that Rey wielded the combined sabers of Luke and Leia at the end, a nice remnant of George's original ST where Luke and his twin sister defeated Palps together.
Jannah was silly but thankfully inoffensive due to the briefness of her role. The whole battle on the outside of the Star Destroyer with Finn, Hannah, and everyone just did nothing for me though. Again I'm shocked because I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2/3 of the film and normally the big battle at the end is where all the good stuff happens, hell even AOTC delivered in that regard.
But I can't say enough about the Rey/Palps/Ben Solo stuff. In fact Ben is by far my favorite character of this trilogy now. And I'm very glad that Palps went out on a high note (IMO) after all the goofy faces and flying around he did in ROTS.
Lando was a lot of fun, not the biggest role obviously but you could tell Billy Dee was having a ball.
I liked the surprises this time around, they didn't feel done just to trick the audience or piss us off, I thought they actually made the story more interesting.
The different clones and Snokes in tubes felt very "Dark Empire-ish" to me, which I also really liked.
A nice return to the film's roots there at the very end too.
Overall it's surreal to be here at the end now of all three trilogies and thankfully I think their little hail mary delivered in the end. I see that for several people here it was just the final nail in the tragedy of Disney's ST or what have you but fortunately the stuff that this film got right was for the most part the stuff I was deep down hoping they'd get right regardless of the surprisingly ho hum space battle.
Jaws, who initially loved TROS even more than you did.![]()
So Where to begin....
I know.. Wed night I started seeing early reviews and there was talk about how JJ ignored and retconed TLJ....
I was not excited at all to see ROS but some reviews were sparking my interest again.. Oh and I have enjoyed some of the Mandalorian episodes so my Star Wars fandom had made a comeback.
So I watched TFA. Probably the most I enjoyed it ever. Its still did not feel like a Star Wars movie and I enjoy the first hour much more then the 2nd but Kylo, Rey, and Fin are good enough characters that it keeps my interest. AND "That's not how the force works" is one of my fav lines in the entire saga lol.
After it was over I thought about watching parts of TLJ... But I thought I would start it and if it held my interest I would finish it from beginning to end. As usual with this film I enjoy some parts very much. I love anything with Luke and like pretty much anything with Kylo. The weird thing was the stuff I hate I have sort of desensitized myself too because I have watched so many videos about it and discussed it so much here on the board. I would say I Jar Jared the moments I hated.. Basically that means I am able to ignore those parts and enjoy what I like about the film.. Just Like I do when I ignore Jar Jar in TPM.
Anyways after that I watched a few more reviews about TLS and damn it I started to think I might like it.. Sure there were reviewers that said it was a mess.. But those same reviewers liked TLJ the first time they saw it.
However There was one reviewer from Entertainment weekly that said he was one of the few main critics that didn't like TLJ and was again in the minority because he loved ROS.. So I was excited to see the new movie.. Could not find anyone to go with me that night so I had to wait till tonight....
Man was I set up to be disappointed yet again.. So how do I feel about the movie??
I thought it was just about perfect. I loved every single thing about it. I got filled with emotion. I got teary eyed. I freaking clapped at one point.. I NEVER CLAP!!! I got goose bumps. I was sitting there with a smile on my face for the last 20 min of the film.
What I loved. Other than everything.
1. The chemistry of the characters and finally seeing them together. This should have been happening more in the first two films.
2. Rey being a Palpatine. All overpowered Mary Sueness is now forgiven.
3. Palpatine? I don't care if it makes sense.. I don't care if it was planned to always have him in it or not.. I don't care.. Having the Palpatine in it helps all the events of the new order make more sense to me if he was the one pulling the strings. Plus I love the opening so much with him in it, I just didn't care if it made sense or not.
5. Kylo getting the upper hand on Rey and her being genuinely surprised that he was.
4. Leia saying "Ben" and Kylo stoped fighting (1st tear up)
5. Leia's sacrifice and death.
6. "Hey Kid" I had no idea Han was in this and it worked. It worked so well. (2nd tear up) The fact that Kylo delivered so many of the same lines only this time he throws the saber.
7. Chewies reaction to Leia's death.
8. Red 5 baby!!!
9. The "On your left" moment with Lando? This worked for me way better that Endgame for me for two reasons. 1. I am a bigger fan of the SW OT that anything that Marvel has to offer and 2 that freaking John Williams score... Major goosebumps!!!
10. Lando! he nailed it every time.
11. ****ING WEDGE ANTILLIES was in this!!!! That was when I clapped.. And yes I was the only one in the theater that didI am a huge fan of that character.
12. Rey figuring out that Ben is back on the Light side of the Force.
13. The coneheaded droid
14. All the Jedi voices and Rey taking on the spirit of all the jedi.. Beating the Emperor and it killing her.
15. Kylo gives his life for Rey.
16. Chewie gets Hans medal from ANH - ****ing Perfect!!!!
17. Rey takes the Skywalker name!
18. Luke and Leia force ghosts
19. That final shot!!!!
20. John Williams score.
1st time viewing I have no complaints. I was a kid again. I don't want to hear complaints of fan service. That is what these movies are here for.. The fans.. Don't crap on them. It's the Skywalker saga there should be call backs to the original series so that the world feels connected.
Sure all the McGuffin stuff was a bit much.. But you know what I loved what each part took us to. Did Chewie need to get captured.. Nope. But I loved his rescue.
I would say the only thing I was not crazy about was 3PO not being allowed to translate sith and taking him to that planet to reprogram him.. I have a feeling that will be boring on repeat viewings.. I did like that little alien though
I saw this with my two best friends who are huge Star Wars fans like me. They felt the same way about the last two films as I did.. They both also loved this film. We all had our families with us and they all loved it.
I kept waiting for them to screw it up... The more I enjoyed the first hour the more I was sure they would mess something up. JJ didn't. I don't care if I end up finding this film to be more of a ROTJ type film where it does not stand up to the test of time. It does not matter. I felt like a kid again and my love of all things Star Wars has been renewed.
Thank you JJ!
To be fair, after tracking this down I realized that I had you confused with Jaws, who initially loved TROS even more than you did.![]()
I still love JAWS’s review lol
Now let’s not get crazy lol…Now I basically feel like Ducky was right about everything![]()
Well hopefully I channel that mindset for whenever I watch it again. But the apathy is strong with me now.It's funny how one's perspective can change over time lol.
From Dec. 21, 2019:
I do as wellI think I'm the only one who still likes TROSThe weakest of the ST but still a good time.
I do as well![]()
Actually I think it’s the best of the 3.I think I'm the only one who still likes TROSThe weakest of the ST but still a good time.
Fair enough.Jye, we agree on a lot, but anything related to the ST and TLJ in particular is and absolutely will never be one of them...I guess I'll pretend to be happy for you that you like the Lobster guards, but that is one of the WORST scenes EVER in cinema history!!
I've never even watched TROS. I can't even fathom that it's the worst SW movie for some fans. TLJ isn't just a bad SW movie, but one of THE worst movies I've ever seen. It's awful and horrid on every level. I've watched it once and only once and still regret it to this day. If i wasn't at the theater with my family and a friends' family I would've got up and walked out. It put an awful taste in my mouth for my most beloved franchise for all time and took quite awhile to be able to just ignore it's existence and pretend it never happened.
So how in the world is TROS actually worse than TLJ?? Is that actually even possible?![]()
So how in the world is TROS actually worse than TLJ?? Is that actually even possible?![]()
So what you're saying is...It's so so much worse than TLJ it's a challenge to come up with a comparison to convey it. It's orders of magnitude worse than TLJ and TLJ is already festering dog ****.
It's actually kind of incredible. It's Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" levels of bad.
Go ahead and try'll be so stunned at how remarkably rancid it is, it's an interesting experience.