Superman (July 11th, 2025)

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Trying to piece things together from the trailer, plus some of the things I’ve read in interviews and seen from the behind the scenes things, I’m guessing that Gunn is going to try to juxtapose Superman’s innate goodness against the amoral or in some cases, immoral behaviors of the characters in The Authority and Checkmate. I’m guessing that’s going to be Gunn’s way of making Superman stand out in a universe that’s already populated with “heroes”/metahumans.
Question is, will anyone other than karamazov give 2 craps about any of these obscure comicbook characters with silly names, lame costumes and derivative powers lol
Yeah it's a pretty random assortment of third tier characters for a major Superman movie. I know Gunn is really fond of those types of superheroes, but not sure the general audience will care as much.
Question is, will anyone other than karamazov give 2 craps about any of these obscure comicbook characters with silly names, lame costumes and derivative powers lol

I’d forgotten until really recently that Ultraman was in there too. They’ve got him looking more like Black Noir from The Boys, but I’m assuming his powers will still be similar to Superman’s. It IS a lot of characters to try to get to fit into a single movie. I have a feeling some of them won’t end up getting much screen time.
What the hell is the story with the "S" - it's just a line?

Not being a Superman aficionado, I never noticed until they were all side by side, but that looks like a joke.

It's like the whole suit is designed by someone without the slightest bit of design skill or experience; the S, the trunks, the high collar, the bizarre panels that have no point or symmetry with the body - the whole thing is a dogs breakfast and make his body look like a padded ironing board.:slap

That 2006 one is pretty awful as well.
What the hell is the story with the "S" - it's just a line?

Not being a Superman aficionado, I never noticed until they were all side by side, but that looks like a joke.

It's like the whole suit is designed by someone without the slightest bit of design skill or experience; the S, the trunks, the high collar, the bizarre panels that have no point or symmetry with the body - the whole thing is a dogs breakfast and make his body look like a padded ironing board.:slap

That 2006 one is pretty awful as well.

its not an S brother, it's a symbol for HOPE
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What the hell is the story with the "S" - it's just a line?

Not being a Superman aficionado, I never noticed until they were all side by side, but that looks like a joke.

It's like the whole suit is designed by someone without the slightest bit of design skill or experience; the S, the trunks, the high collar, the bizarre panels that have no point or symmetry with the body - the whole thing is a dogs breakfast and make his body look like a padded ironing board.:slap

That 2006 one is pretty awful as well.
It’s not an S it’s a \
What the hell is the story with the "S" - it's just a line?

Not being a Superman aficionado, I never noticed until they were all side by side, but that looks like a joke.

It's like the whole suit is designed by someone without the slightest bit of design skill or experience; the S, the trunks, the high collar, the bizarre panels that have no point or symmetry with the body - the whole thing is a dogs breakfast and make his body look like a padded ironing board.:slap

That 2006 one is pretty awful as well.

It’s not an S it’s a \

upcoming James Gunn's 2028 sequel STOPMAN

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Genuinely great, if it isn’t but performs fantastically, we’re going to be strapped in for his vision for years like Snyder. Sounds exhausting.

Enough of this world building ****, it’s tedious and does nothing to progress a story. All it’s there for is to grant them the ability and access to more films and more money. We were tired of Snyder because he couldn’t pick a character and hone in on fleshing them out, producing a fulfilling story.

What do we think we’re getting with this? Just a stepping stone towards another Justice League.

After the Nolan trilogy, I tuned out of DC completely for years and years until Joker 2019 came out, somewhat shining a bit of hope for storytelling, only to rip it from us in the lousy sequel that only took five years to produce.

That’s how much of a lack of a fan of Snyder’s work I am. Still, what happened? This is making me long for a version of Superman I at times even forgot existed.

Yeah I didn’t even watch justice league till the Snyder cut came out
And it was still a disappointment
What the hell is the story with the "S" - it's just a line?

Not being a Superman aficionado, I never noticed until they were all side by side, but that looks like a joke.
The colour scheme's different, but that's the logo designed by Alex Ross for Earth-22's Superman (Kingdom Come, Kingdom).

I actually quite like it. While it's not 'classic' I find it dynamic and perhaps befitting an alien glyph. I grew up a fan of the traditional, classical Superman but I like both styles.

It's like the whole suit is designed by someone without the slightest bit of design skill or experience; the S, the trunks, the high collar, the bizarre panels that have no point or symmetry with the body - the whole thing is a dogs breakfast and make his body look like a padded ironing board.:slap
My biggest gripe is the unnecessary and arbitrary panel lining, which we saw done to death in the MCU as well. I think it's the design shorthand they chose to make Superheroes more 'grounded' for the general public.

But I'm hoping the suit will look better in the final film and as much as I hate panel lines I like it better than Snyder's version, maybe *because* of the naivete and classicism of the trunks, which I get a lot of people hate but there's no accounting for my nerd taste.

I've seen some good designs without trunks but as much as Cavill Superman looked good I once again 'accepted' rather than loved the suit, which I found too busy and usually too dark.

I prefer graphic simplicity but that's not in the cards for most modern live action costumes.
you know,
maybe the superman trunks could have just been black all along.
I'm not even joking, maybe just black.

maybe black trunks could have looked more natural. less silly. more tactical.

man of steel was almost like that


That looks terrible and you know it

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