Freaked Out
I couldn't see that a unique thread was created for the JPT DESIGN x POP 1/6 Silent Hound, but after receiving this figure i needed to share a few images.
I was hesistant to pick this up as it's the first figure ive ordered from this company, and first that is not based on any existing franchise or character. I simply ordered because i thought it was a great looking design, and i'm thoroughly impressed with it now in hand.
The care and attention to detail is incredible. Can't imagine the lengths they went to for real chainmail and threading. It's also the most sturdy, rigid figure I've held, along with an incredibly strong magnet base. No toppling over for this guy.
Only downside is that the katana sword was unfortunately missing from the box, which this ninja of course needs, so hoping i can resolve that with POP Toys via Kit.
Starting from being hesistant on this order, I'm now looking towards the other unique characters in JPT/POPs lineup.
I was hesistant to pick this up as it's the first figure ive ordered from this company, and first that is not based on any existing franchise or character. I simply ordered because i thought it was a great looking design, and i'm thoroughly impressed with it now in hand.
The care and attention to detail is incredible. Can't imagine the lengths they went to for real chainmail and threading. It's also the most sturdy, rigid figure I've held, along with an incredibly strong magnet base. No toppling over for this guy.
Only downside is that the katana sword was unfortunately missing from the box, which this ninja of course needs, so hoping i can resolve that with POP Toys via Kit.
Starting from being hesistant on this order, I'm now looking towards the other unique characters in JPT/POPs lineup.