1/6 Hot Toys - Captain America: Brave New World - Red Hulk

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Well, if that TVA Jacket Wolverine is any indication, they seem to be backing off of seamless bodies for whatever reason.
I didn't even know that had happened to that TVA Wolverine until you said it and I went and took another look at it. Either the supply is getting low, getting more expensive or there's a problem with the material. For those that preordered that Wolverine, did the preorder get cheaper?
I really don't care for this movie and although this would be cool I'd prefer they actually give us 2.0 Avengers Hulk honestly.
I’d prefer 08 hulk honestly. I feel like that would sell more than any hulk. Hell 03 would be interesting to
Haven't seen the movie yet either, or have any interest In this version. But i wouldn't be surprised if they do a 2 figure set again like Banner with Hulk.
Tbh I don’t think they need to worry about Ford likeness. Unless they have changed the artistic licensing rights, they don’t have to pay a cent because it doesn’t look enough like Ford. There is some percentage thing buried deep in the legal documents that someone from ILM pointed out once at a seminar I went to. So Han Solo 100% yes but Ford as Red Hulk then animated over the top by CG artists using artistic license no $$.
Definite must-get, even if the movie ends up not being one of my favorites. Wonder how this would look grouped up with whatever random half of the Thunderbolts we get this summer, since I won't have a BNW Cap to pair with him.
I would prefer a Banner Hulk but might consider this one. I wonder if a 2.0 Hulk from The Avengers might come of this figure.
Don't really get this choice... it should be easier to do seamless shoulders the bigger the figure is. This is just going to look like a giant toy again like the old Hulk and venoms.
Why not a body like Bane?
I just went through 15+ pages in the Bane thread, and while I saw tons of pictures of the figure, not a single one had the shoulders raised higher than a 45 degree angle directly to the side. My guess is that pushing the shoulders higher than that, or rotating them forwards/backwards, causes the silicon shell to start folding/risk tearing.

So silicon might look great for a museum-ish pose Hulk, but rules out any bigger "Hulk smash" articulation. Hulk seems like a figure that people would desire more articulation out of vs Bane, so it probably just came down to a decision between pros and cons.
I’m ok with the seams. This will already be a $500 figure without the added cost of seamless silicone. A swap-out torso like the AoU deluxe Hulk would be neat though.
Seamless silicone becomes more difficult to maintain a bend the thicker and larger it becomes so the internal armature would need to be much more robust to hold a pose. Also the figure would be much heavier and top heavy and the arms would likely have even more limited movement. This is why the Hulk arm material is thin and hollow unlike a Bane body so it can maintain an elbow bend and reduce weight. If the shoulders were 1 piece and also thin they would deform abnormally, puckering in when lifted up and also be more prone to tearing. A swap out single pose torso was the way HT solved this but of course some still were unhappy at having to swap parts or pay for more pieces.
Nah the 2003 Hulk reminded me of Shrek. His facial expressions, the bright green, and the way he was running seemed to cartoonish.
The running and giant leeps he made was comic accurate. 08 Hulk was also accurate as he knows material arts due to the training Banner would do which they do showcase in that film. Also 03 Hulk would also get bigger the angrier he got which is also comic accurate.