Captain America 4 Brave New World - February 14, 2025

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Got to admit that was a pretty good hat trick.
Oh yea it was wasn't it. Saying it would lead into the multiverse, not answering if Mephisto was in it, putting Evan peters quicksilver in, teasing Wanda being a mutant, teasing it would lead into No way home. Teasing how it would lead into something huge. Oh yea that show was the biggest trick they ever pulled.
Might as well give Hulk back to Ang Lee at least he understood the character and gave us some thrilling action scenes with him.
Lol reverse and give the rights back to all the people who had them before and see how they make them. The last Hulk movie we got was amazing and people hated it when it came out and now everytone loves it Funny how that works. It's the PT all over again.
Lol reverse and give the rights back to all the people who had them before and see how they make them. The last Hulk movie we got was amazing and people hated it when it came out and now everytone loves it Funny how that works. It's the PT all over again.

The PT is still trash, though.
TIH has 45 minutes of deleted scenes!

Every single second of it is better written than anything from the multiverse saga!

TIH is brutal. So many idiot MCu defenders say that he struggled with Abom and to lift cars so he was weak. The MCU made the hulk so freaking weak and one note that people forgot the angrier he gets the stronger he gets and he has levels to just how strong he can get.
Sells more than the ST tho. Has lots of fans now and many who grew up with it like myself think ROTS is th ebest star wars movie. I mean yea they may not be good but it sold and still sells to this day.

Being good and being profitable are two very different things (See: The Thing).
And 20 years from now, you'll probably be the middle-aged man grousing about how the ST are still trash while young adults in their 20's and 30's talk about what fond memories they have of the ST. And I'll be the old man saying they all suck compared to the original.
As for how that relates to Captain America? We'll see how people look at it in 15 years, like how they look at Incredible Hulk.
Being good and being profitable are two very different things (See: The Thing).
And 20 years from now, you'll probably be the middle-aged man grousing about how the ST are still trash while young adults in their 20's and 30's talk about what fond memories they have of the ST. And I'll be the old man saying they all suck compared to the original.
As for how that relates to Captain America? We'll see how people look at it in 15 years, like how they look at Incredible Hulk.
Yea yea. Except you forgot one thing tho. The kids hate it to. When we were kids star wars was everywhere. Now Sonic the hedgehog and Minecraft and Five nights at freddys is more talked about then star wars amoung kids. Star wars is pretty damn irrelevant now. New star wars shows come out now with very little fan fare.

Also I don;t care what OT fans say. Rots will always be amazing.
Yea yea. Except you forgot one thing tho. The kids hate it to. When we were kids star wars was everywhere. Now Sonic the hedgehog and Minecraft and Five nights at freddys is more talked about then star wars amoung kids. Star wars is pretty damn irrelevant now. New star wars shows come out now with very little fan fare.

Also I don;t care what OT fans say. Rots will always be amazing.

I'm gonna have to politely disagree with you there. Yeah, kids are more wrapped up in video games than legacy media, but as far as franchises go Star Wars is still a money-maker. Even stuff generally regarded negatively, like The Acolyte, which had the second-highest Disney+ viewership of 2024.
And I'm not really a big Star Wars fan myself. But as a writer and literary critic, I can tell you that ROTS is downright painful in it's dialogue, plotting, characterization, etc. I mean, everyone likes what they like and that's great, but I can't ever agree that ROTS comes anywhere close to "amazing". Best I can say about it is, "It's the best of the PT," but that is a low bar to clear.
I'm gonna have to politely disagree with you there. Yeah, kids are more wrapped up in video games than legacy media, but as far as franchises go Star Wars is still a money-maker. Even stuff generally regarded negatively, like The Acolyte, which had the second-highest Disney+ viewership of 2024.
And I'm not really a big Star Wars fan myself. But as a writer and literary critic, I can tell you that ROTS is downright painful in it's dialogue, plotting, characterization, etc. I mean, everyone likes what they like and that's great, but I can't ever agree that ROTS comes anywhere close to "amazing". Best I can say about it is, "It's the best of the PT," but that is a low bar to clear.
I mean yea it's not great. The writing is bad. We all know this. But we still love it. We don't care that it isn;t perfect at all. We all know it's not that good of a movie but we love it cause it's damn fun and can get crazy. it's just like those Mummy movies from the 00s.

And yea Star wars has a big Fanbase but its nowhere near what it use to be. Marvel took that spot completely. And Acolyte was watched by hardcore fans not newer auidences, Obiwan had a higher viewership. Wanna guess why?

Cause PT supremecy!
Man, watching those deleted scenes from TIH reminded me just how amazing that ensemble cast was, Hurt, Norton, Tyler, Burrell and Roth brought their A game to a superhero movie.

Great stuff.
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Well if the Russo brothers hadn't killed off Black Widow and essentially done the same with Cap (turning him into a wrinkled great grandpa) at the end of the legendary & beloved Infinity Saga then maybe all of this whining about these other characters stepping into their shoes wouldn't have happened. In retrospect,


A really STUPID plan when you factor in Tony's death, eliminating half the OG Avengers in one fell swoop. Plus IIRC at that point neither the X-Men nor F4 were back in the fold, so they had to do something besides count their billions of dollars lol...

Regardless, IMO the MCU went off the rails when CB died and they decided to NOT recast T'Challa. Killing off CB's iconic character was NOT the proper way to honor his memory. If T'Challa was still around he would be the one assembling the next Avengers team and no one would think twice about his character's worthiness, plus they could have let Sam & Bucky continue to be Sam & Bucky and completely avoided this divisive issue.

The Russo Bro's were likely told the OG Avengers had to go because of $$$$$$$$$$, not for stories moving forward. I'm sure Disney couldn't/didn't want to afford them anymore. RDJ and ScarJo were the 2 highest paid. But they needed their girl boss Wonder Woman movie, so they had to bring her back one last time. And then screwed her over with residuals because of putting BW on D+. Remember, she even sued them.

And Disney just let Waititty emasculate Thor into self ruin. :lol

or the actors wanted out? didn't all 3 of them wanted out? did they?
I feel like they did
or the actors wanted out? didn't all 3 of them wanted out? did they?
I feel like they did
That's probably both a Yes and No. I'm sure that's the industries way of gracefully moving on. Like saying a CEO steps down/is moving on as opposed to being voted out/let go/contract not renewed (KK's eventual future as head of Lucasfilm).

I don't think any one of them would've said no to truck loads of $$$$. More likely behind the scenes their renegotiated contracts would've been just too high for what Disney was willing to pay out. So they agree it's time to move on.

I mean, RDJ back as Doom?? Why would he come back then? Because they are desperate and think he will bring fans back, so they are paying up. Not many love the spotlight as much as RDJ. Just watch the footage of him being revealed as Doom. Talk about a being a ham.

Same reason the Russo Bros came back. Not because they wanted back, or Feige came to them with a great MCU story idea and they got excited.

Either way it'll be interesting to see how this gamble plays out in the future. If it works out, Evans will come back as Hydra Cap next. :slap

Sheesh I can’t believe nobody likes this movie when it came out. And embraced that green ape we have now.

Just compare this to what we have now. Freaking brutal fight. Did red hulk do anything like this?

Sorry this came up on my YouTube and I just miss when hulk was absolutely brutal