Blitzway: Back to the Future

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I have no more room for Time Machine lol I don’t even have room to put the third one up. I have to figure this all out lol


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Seems many people in the social media is pretty upset regarding the mark 2 announcement, including me tbh... They said to do the 40th anniversary edition of the first movie, even the previous announcement said that it will be the first DeLorean iteration. Given how HT just released it not that long ago, and how HT mark 1 DeLorean is a mess in accuracy and lighting features and accessories, it is a very common sense for Blitzway to do that first. Fire tracks, lightning rod, no stickers on license plate, correct design on the plutonium chamber, maybe a better Marty and Doc Brown 1985 version to accompany the car.

It's like: "hey let's do, Legend of Zorro instead of Mask of Zorro." Weird.
I don’t think doing the Part II car is that odd truthfully. The DeLorean itself largely looks the same and I’d argue the flying aspect of it is one of the coolest things about it.

It would be nice if Mr. Fusion could come off so the original plutonium chamber could be there for those that want it. Maybe add the lighting rod too.
Seems many people in the social media is pretty upset regarding the mark 2 announcement, including me tbh... They said to do the 40th anniversary edition of the first movie, even the previous announcement said that it will be the first DeLorean iteration. Given how HT just released it not that long ago, and how HT mark 1 DeLorean is a mess in accuracy and lighting features and accessories, it is a very common sense for Blitzway to do that first. Fire tracks, lightning rod, no stickers on license plate, correct design on the plutonium chamber, maybe a better Marty and Doc Brown 1985 version to accompany the car.

It's like: "hey let's do, Legend of Zorro instead of Mask of Zorro." Weird.
I'm going to guess that they will be doing the first one also...
I am pretty sure their Delorean will be a 2 in 1 offering, probably Blitzway knows that the market is practically saturated by different big scale (1/6, 1/8, 1/12 or 1/10) BTTF Deloreans, so by offering a product (that will be expesive) that give you options and more accuracy, they will not only entice new customers for their first 1/6 vehicle but also even those that already have the car from other brands and want an...and and more screen accurate version. We probably, hopefully get the first version with lighting rod and plutonium chamber detail as well as correct lighting and other details, plus the option/look of..Mr. Fusion and the fligh mode version that we see in the first movie ending, and latter in the second movie. Hot Toys did it with their "part III" Delorean version, giving two options, I know is just a change of wheels and height ride adjustment, but it can be done and HT did it to entice more possible buyers.
Blitzway might have said "Part II" Delorean to cover the "bases" and hint that since they are going to do the first/second movie version Delorean in a 2 for 1 release...second movie version FIGURES are in the work to!!!! Let's hope for the best!!!

FIX: BTTF PART II. Blitzway drop the ball the chance to bring the OG right.
I guess it boils down to cheaper license since the first one is the most well known, well received and the most revered.

Like the first Halloween license is way higher than the other sequels. Though Mark 1 did appeared in the BTTF Part II so there's no reason to make that version FIRST, since HT messed that one up big time.
They even acknowledge that it's the 40th anniversary for the first movie. So bizarre.

Well to be fair, the flying Delorean is at the end of Part I anyway, so they're not technically wrong.

I have the Part II HT Delorean unopened in my attic.
I'm at the stage though where I just can't be bothered.

How do they gauge there is a market for this?

Unless this Blitzway version is some sort of mind blowing, super accurate replica I can't see why I'd buy another one.
Tbh I was hoping they'd expand and bring part 2 figures as Hot toys don't seem to want to reissue or 2.0 theirs.

Will be interesting to see how this compares both in price and quality.
My criteria to ‘upgrade’ from HT

- Must be USB powered with more accurate lights that turn on immediately when the power starts running, or via remote so I don’t have to open my display case to activate them.
- A similarly tilted flight stand to HT but less hideous, preferably that is adjustable to add some options like low level, horizontal hovering.
this will be interesting. I do hope, they make this a "two in one" release.

Keen to see more of this before my invoice lands for the PT3 version.

Would love to see a 2 in 1 offering.
One thing Blitzway could do to make this car stand out from the Hot Toys version would be to emulate what the Tomy 1/10 car did: have the flux bands around the car light up.

If they do that, along with USB power and display case friendly on/off switches, then I’d PO that mo’fo immediately!

What i do know is/suspect, there's some switching things at last minutes around here; first they secured the license of the first BTTF, then they saw that BTTF Part II is the cheaper option on license rate, hence they change everything this time. Notice the different announcement on the product and the movie title between the china exhibition what you call it and with this one, months apart.

Just like Halloween, the first license is more expensive than the sequels one.