I've read a lot of people's comments wondering about if McFarlane can still continue making DC figures in 7 inch scale once Mattel gets the license.
Now, I could be very very wrong about this, but I always had it in my mind that whoever has this DC license, has it for 6-7 inch figures inclusive. Which is why Todd was able to sell 7 inch figures (his preferred scale) and also 6 inch figures (60s line, BTAS line).
The exceptions to making 6-7 inch figures are/were DCD/DCC because they were an in-house company (that eventually went under and then became branded under McFarlane), companies like Mafex because they have foreign territory rights, and Mezco because they fall under a different high-end price license (maybe a non brick-and mortar license?).
That's why when Mattel lost the license to McFarlane, they could no longer continue making 6 inch figures despite Todd only making 7 inch at the time he began.
I'm fairly sure the only company who can make 6-7 inch figures is the company with the master license (currently Todd).
That's why other companies like Beast Kingdom can make 8-9 inch figures, or SpinMaster can make 12 inch or 4-5 inch figures aimed at kids. But none of them can make 6-7 inch figures.
So if it's Todd that has lost the license to Mattel, then if I'm correct, he won't be able to continue making DC figures even in just 7 inch scale.
Again - I could be very very wrong about this!