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  1. M

    Endoskull Roll Call...

    Thanks for the compliments guys! I am still planning to prepare the clear lenses as well. The red lenses are very easy to remove. One of them even came of by itself just after I received the bust. Luckily they didn't use a strong glue. If you use a hobby knife very carefully you can just pop...
  2. M

    Endoskull Roll Call...

    Quite a difference between before and after
  3. M

    Endoskull Roll Call...

    I am still experimenting with the red lenses. I've managed to get the look of both eyes exactly the same. I've used some grey "blue-tag" to fill up the area around the LED's. I've used regular glue to give the lenses a hazy look and I've put the washers behind them. I can even use all 3...
  4. M

    Endoskull Roll Call...

    I've just took some shots of the eye with the original red lens with a washer behind it to mimic the iris (I am still awaiting the clear lenses to arrive). The original lens and a similar sized washer Left: without the washer; Right: with the washer Looks quite good I guess
  5. M

    Endoskull Roll Call...

    Thanks for welcoming me guys! I've been registered to this forum ages ago but never thought I had never posted anything before. I have been active on some while ago (just before and after I've purchesed this bust actually). Some more pictures of the mod:
  6. M

    Endoskull Roll Call...

    Almost 10 years after I've purchased the 1:1 T-800 SS bust (clean version) and inspired by some mods on this forum, I've finally decided to do something about the eyes. The first mod I did just after I bought it was using a dummy battery in order to tone down the bright LED's but the drunk...