We got dark empire artisan Luke, literally anything is possible, before DA Luke release I'd put Jabba with a top hat, monocle and villain mustache for twirling as a more likely figure.
Their follower numbers on social media i'm sure gives an indication of their market presence for those with a degree in marketing/social media meddling
So far I've missed out on the artians I wanted but gotten every artisan/exclusive I don't really want/just trying for fun/joining queue late. I see the pattern now. I want to yell at clouds
I think 1500 is the lowest edition size for 1:6 figures these days, but might as well be 500, ridiculous either way, these are not high end statues, I get the low editions for the artisan ones since the hair has to be done by hand, but that's it.
Would not surprise me if the site is not dying due to demand, but someone missing out one figure too many putting on a ddos.
Or is this really this popular a figure
I got the ESB Yoda and would pass on a 2.0 if the only update was eyes and rooted hair. The ESB sculpt is good, fantastic even in the right light and angle but I think they could do a really good Yoda now that 3D modelling has done its leaps last few years if they tried.
Making the umbra trooper super limited went over so well with fans they're improving by making an extra 1000 of this, wow Hot Toys so kind and connected.
As far as I know only empire Luke (and starkiller?) is conformed for nylon suits.
Not doing it for RotJ Vader now that the cat is out of the bag would be cheap and archetypical Hot Toys, wich is why I think their whole artisan line will fall flat against the competition unless they start paying...
Now that artisan Luke is out and dx28 gave a decent Vader mask the only thing left for me to get excited about is artisan OT Yoda or RotJ/Ros emperor 2.0.. maybe a new chewie.