I love the character; and where there's one, there's another and another and another, and so on.
Just because they're not on this board voicing their "love" doesn't mean they don't exist.
Discussing politics is against the board's Community Guidelines and the CoC.
So keep all political discussions, of any kind, out of this thread.
Otherwise, you'll be shown the door for two weeks or longer.
Thread cleaned. :wave
Political comments, no matter what they are, go against the board's CoC and Community Guidelines.
If I see it, or it gets reported again, you'll be banned for two weeks or longer.
Thread cleaned.
Please stay on topic discussing InArt's LOTR 1/6 Gandalf.
While the discussion wasn't bad, the thread drifted off course. Thread Drifting/Steering is frowned upon and against the board's CoC.
Thread cleaned.
Actually, this is a privately owned forum; your first amendment right doesn't apply. As a privately owned site, the board is governed by its own policies and rules. Policies and rules you agreed to abide by when you registered.
Repeating the same argument ad museum goes against those rules...