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  1. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys- Exclusive Chrome Commander Cody

    This makes you realize how off that helmet antenna is.
  2. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    Why not, it’s not like this is the definite version of the stormtrooper, that would be ANH hero+ stunt version (cleaned sandtrooper bucket).
  3. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    If I go with custom buckets, how much would I have to cash out for each helmet?
  4. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    £500?!?!? I hope that’s for two?
  5. Chainedstream

    Lots of Hot Toys, breaking my addiction

    Rise, old thread, RISE! How did you manage this? After all those years, how have you handled your addiction to Hot Toys? Did you return or cut it off completely? I am doing poorly today, fueling me addiction month by month by reviewing this forum and Sideshow’s site on Facebook. Oh, dear...
  6. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    Thing is, now they'll probably perceive the market as saturated with Cody figures hence we may never see the light of a BB Imperial Cody. I hope you are right, but this is not a rational company we're talking about. Yes.
  7. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    So they had the perfect opportunity to give us a Bad Batch Cody, instead they opted for a "cheap" silver painted "Cody". What a bunch of cr*p. I guess it is just part of their standard exhibit procedures.........
  8. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    Where did you get those pauldrons? Look great. The higher saturation of orange works much better than HT’s (on the marmit trooper).
  9. Chainedstream

    Hot Toys Power of the Darkside exhibit..

    Probably 50% gross margin minimum. Gotta keep that premium premium!
  10. Chainedstream

    Hot Toys Power of the Darkside exhibit..

    It's just a teaser. His only job is to coercively control us into hoping it will release any day now. To avoid us quitting this crack "hobby"
  11. Chainedstream

    Hot Toys Power of the Darkside exhibit..

    Where are all the pictures at? Lol at that Anakin HS, truly makes wonders in that pose and vehicle. Grievous? Is that, you? Where are you at??? Oh wait..... There you are! Finally!
  12. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hoy Toys - TMS 087 - The Bad Batch - Clone Force 99: Crosshair

    What an amazing site you just shared. Many thanks.
  13. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    Wow, just found the best accessory to go with Palpatine et al:
  14. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    ESB and ANH are the same suit/costume/nerdiness aside from its gauntlets. The ESB has the same gauntlets as the snowtrooper, these were transferred over to ROTJ. ROTJ has a completely new set of armour compared to its precursors. Due to its moulding process, the armour is wonky and each...
  15. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    Get two, add some more weathering, brown spots, a black pauldron from any custom supplier, and a backpack (custom) and you have yourself a pair of ANH SE sandtroopers. IMO great addition to the ANH dunes of Tatooine display, now when we’re getting a Dewback and lieutenant. Here’s a picture of...
  16. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    Only reason I like the ROTJ HT stormie is because it is not accurate. It should be more wonky/rough looking with every trooper being unique, merely due to production methods. Which I think you are aware of. I agree, an ANH or ESB stormie would be preferable.
  17. Chainedstream

    1/6 Hot Toys - CMS016D58 Doctor Aphra (Marvel Comic): 0-0-0 (Triple-Zero)

    Someone in management thought this was a brilliant sales tactic. I think they take us clients for id*ots.