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  1. F

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS699 & MMS700 ROTJ Darth Vader

    That’s looks great but I just wanted to use the Shaw sculpt. I may finally bite the bullet and get a garage shelf. It might look better that way. I think no matter what it will look more toyish and not lay naturally. We only really saw anakin from the chest up. Didn’t see him full body...
  2. F

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS699 & MMS700 ROTJ Darth Vader

    Finally got my vaders from sideshow and the laying down, my own eyes pose, doesn’t work at all. First, he does not fit comfortably in the detolf laying down and it just looks like a doll. Stinks because that is how I planned to display him, with Luke kneeling. Back to the drawing board. I...
  3. F

    Hot Toys Snowtrooper

    I was thinking the exact same thing. Could look good as dead trooper in a display.
  4. F

    Hot Toys The Dark Knight Joker DX/Artisan 1/6 Scale Figure

    this does look great to me. I’m just not into rooted figures so no worries there. I have the inart sculpted and was never really happy with it. Was thinking about grabbing a sculpted hot toys but $370? Wtf? Talk about a cash grab. This is more than the rotj vader which has 3 heads and 2...
  5. F

    1/6 Hot Toy - MMS612 - Episode VI - ROTJ: Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike

    Post pics when you are finished. I’ll try it too. Ridiculous that these discolored after such a short amount of time.
  6. F

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS699 & MMS700 ROTJ Darth Vader

    It? Them! I’m so insane I bought 2. Helmet on and Shaw sculpt. I’m going to try to pose my Luke kneeling down for the my own eyes scene. Sideshow email received for charging soon. Hopefully this will reignite my enthusiasm for the hobby. All of these 2.0 and exclusives and price gouging...
  7. F

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS699 & MMS700 ROTJ Darth Vader

    Amazing pics. Wow. Definitely looks like a guy in a suit. I cannot wait for mine to ship.
  8. F

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS699 & MMS700 ROTJ Darth Vader

    Still waiting for mine. Hurry up sideshow
  9. F

    1/6 Hot Toys -TMS102 - The Clone Wars: Darth Sidious

    Looks awesome. Definitely clone wars specific in terms of the sculpt. Looks different than aotc and rots. Decisions decisions.
  10. F

    1/6 Share your HT Star Wars collection Pics Thread

    Amazing Chaka. That bottom shelf is exactly what I hope we get from sideshow. They would be smart to make rebel pilots too. Phenomenal setup
  11. F

    1/6 Hot Toys -TMS102 - The Clone Wars: Darth Sidious

    I’m thinking of using this as my chancellor palpatine representation. Not doing a clone wars display other than a few figures. Not sure about how the sculpt works for the chancellor in aotc. Hopefully review videos pop up soon.
  12. F

    1/6 Sideshow Labria - Scum & Villainy

    The hours it took for this to sell out and the 500 limit has me worried about the Jabbas palace figures. I really want skiff guards. Sideshow might not produce them if these are not selling. Of course, they would never take into account their quality control history and insane price gouging...
  13. F

    1/6 Sideshow Labria - Scum & Villainy

    Think about how artisan anakin sold out 4000 in under 15 minutes. I think that was the number. I understand this isn’t anakin. However, 500 is minuscule and it’s still not sold out. Sideshow may have overpriced and overestimated how many ot fans the hobby has left.
  14. F

    1/6 Sideshow Labria - Scum & Villainy

    Agreed. I’m ordering all of these because these are figures I’ve always wanted and hot toys will never make them. Star Wars as a brand does not have goodwill right now. Looking at Facebook groups, hot toys and even vintage prices are in the toilet for most items. Sideshow has to cover the...
  15. F

    1/6 Sideshow Labria - Scum & Villainy

    Got mine in. Realized recently ot is what I want. Going to start weaning myself off of prequels and focus on ot.
  16. F

    Hot Toys Sandtrooper and Dewback 1/6

    Me too. Luckily I did a payment plan, but the final payment is still around $200. I’ve lost my enthusiasm for this because where the hell am I going to put it? I need to go home, have some death sticks, and rethink my collection.
  17. F

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    Jazzinc stole the week with the Catwom release so I expect hot toys to bring out the big guns next week and take the spotlight. Remember when J&d did their crazy joker pack and all of a sudden Rotj Han was announced at 9am eastern? Maybe bespin han or 89 joker this week? You know Howard is...
  18. F

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS699 & MMS700 ROTJ Darth Vader

    I definitely will post pics. I bought 2 Vader so I can do helmet on and off. Just revenge of the sith and I shouldn’t need any more vader.