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  1. F

    Hot Toys C-3PO (ROTJ)

    Love this figure. The weathering on mine doesn’t bother me at all. He seems really golden. I think I need an extra.
  2. F

    Hot Toys C-3PO (ROTJ)

    Last week my padme was delayed by a train derailment. She came about a week after the original delivery date. I just got the same message about C3po. Another mf ing train derailment. Wtf UPS?
  3. F

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    That might explain all of recent reissues. Easy money because the molds are already there. Without big movies coming this year, it might be the year of reissues. Hopefully they don’t redo anything I want. I need a break.
  4. F

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS681 - Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Mace Windu

    I have a feeling this is going to sit in stock for a while. So many great releases upcoming and this is just meh. I’ll get it eventually, but so many better looking figures on the way. I may wait for a discount at my local comic shop. Or this goes waitlist tomorrow and becomes expensive. Who...
  5. F

    1/6 Hot Toys - Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Padmé Amidala

    Mine showed up today. Hopefully I’ll have time to unbox it soon. I think she looks better proportioned with the scarf thing, but I’m afraid that it will stain the white outfit.
  6. F

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    I think you are probably 100% correct. We only have 2 phantom menace figures in 10 years and they just redid maul. I doubt we get much, probably similar to the rotj disaster. I could see them doing padme in the red gown and repurposing the boba throne. That’s a very slim chance. Yep, I...
  7. F

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    I was really hoping for padawan obi and queen Amidala. I wonder if hot toys would give us a throne similar to the boba one? Overall, this is about what I figured would happen.
  8. F

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    So that’s probably May 4? I loved dark empire years ago so I’ll grab the sculpted Luke. Would have preferred hoth or dagobah. Other than that? Meh. Reissues and nothing new for phantom menace. Glad I had zero expectations, as last year was a kick to the plums with nothing for rotj.
  9. F

    1/6 Hot Toys - Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Padmé Amidala

    Train derailment at ups and now padme is in limbo. When I call ups I’m going to ask Where is padme? Is she alright? F me
  10. F

    Hot Toys C-3PO (ROTJ)

    Got mine too! Can’t wait.
  11. F

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    After last year and the disaster that was May 4, I’m not expecting much. The dark empire luke would be cool, even if I don’t think the comic holds up anymore. I did love it when it released and that and heir to the empire is what rekindled my passion for star wars and made sure I was forever...
  12. F

    Hot Toys Power of the Darkside exhibit..

    This 100%. I would much rather have Timothy zahn thrawn than Elon thrawn. Mars jade, dark empire luke and leia. There is a market for them. Personally, while I would buy those, I’d prefer ot looks we haven’t gotten yet. Also, ht seems to max out at 2-4 ot figures per year so I won’t hold my...
  13. F

    Hot Toys C-3PO (ROTJ)

    They did that on purpose to sell us new c3 figures for years to come. There will always be something that makes it just a bit off to keep us coming back for more. It’s an abusive relationship at this point.
  14. F

    Hot Toys Power of the Darkside exhibit..

    That dark empire luke looks ready for release It’s on the current garbage pedestal base that doesn’t match our collections May the 4th? Or May 4 will be iron spider armored bat hulk fett.
  15. F

    1/6 Hot Toys Stormtroopers Deluxe Version MMS514/515

    I have many stormtroopers so I just ordered one, in case they are limited and I have 15 figures coming this year. Somebody send help! I will get a second if they sit for a while, which I’m not sure they will. Or, they sit like lando and moff g.
  16. F

    1/6 Hot Toys - CMS017- Doctor Aphra (Marvel Comic): BT-1 Killer Droid

    Never read the comic but an imperial droid? I might be in. After han, I have zero figures I’m interested in so maybe the droid and revan.
  17. F

    Hot Toys Power of the Darkside exhibit..

    This is probably going to be an exhibit of old figures and maybe we get the 2 new figures from the poster. I would assume may4 will be phantom menace figures, but I thought that last year with rotj and wow, was that a kick in the plums.
  18. F

    1/6 Hot Toys - Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Padmé Amidala

    My last flex payment is due at the end of April. I called sideshow to ship it out and it still isn’t in stock. Also, is anyone else worried about the cloak thing staining the white outfit? I feel like this version should wear the cloak but I’m concerned about that white outfit.
  19. F

    Mars Toys 1/6 Alfred Pennyworth (Batman '66)

    I’m so in for this. Mars 66 is my favorite line right now. With hot toys obsessed with Disney Star Wars, this line is keeping me busy.