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  1. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    His head looks totally normal in person. I just rewatched the movie yesterday and his head size looks identical in the movie as the figure.
  2. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    I'm loving what I've seen so far! Can't wait to get this in hand and pose it with Christopher Reeve Superman.
  3. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    I'm optimistic that it'll be an absolute homerun!
  4. R

    Mezco One:12 G.I. Joe

    Two years since they announced the GI Joe line and no figures yet. I wonder if we'll see Destro and SE in the next few months?
  5. R

    Hot Toys Back to the Future II - 1/6th scale DeLorean Time Machine

    His review was really brief, I was hoping to see more details and up close shots.
  6. R

    threezero is expanding the 1:6 GI JOE line for 2022!

    Looks OK, definitely need the glasses on, otherwise he looks like he's in his 50s.
  7. R

    threezero is expanding the 1:6 GI JOE line for 2022!

    No Mezco yet, I bet it'll be delayed until 2024.
  8. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    To the surprise of no one 89 Batman is delayed again...Dec-Feb 2023 release window now.
  9. R

    threezero is expanding the 1:6 GI JOE line for 2022!

    I'm not really familiar with 3Z but do they have a track record of scrapping a new line after only a few figures? They haven't shown anything at quite a few big shows recently so just wondering if they pulled the plug.
  10. R

    Mezco One:12 G.I. Joe

    Anyone think Destro will actually ship this month?
  11. R

    Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

    I would buy those two in a heartbeat!
  12. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    I think this looks great, whoever posed the figure should get slapped haha but I'll be happy when this finally comes out.
  13. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Checked the Mezco website today and the new estimated delivery window for 89 Batman is Sept-Nov 2022...
  14. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Anyone think there's a chance the 89 Batman ships this month?
  15. R

    threezero is expanding the 1:6 GI JOE line for 2022!

    I agree, not sure I love this figure. It's a wait and see the reviews for me.
  16. R

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Wait until May and then the estimated shipping date for 89 Batman will push to September - November 2022...
  17. R

    Hot Toys Back to the Future II - 1/6th scale DeLorean Time Machine

    The description on Sideshow's site mentions that the dash and time circuits light up which is a big improvement over V1. I'm sure this will become the more desirable version 5 years from now.
  18. R

    threezero is expanding the 1:6 GI JOE line for 2022!

    Definitely hope that 3Z make a Flint as the Sideshow one was terrible. I could never bring myself to spend $120 on it back in the day because it looked so bad to me. I owned a dozen of the Sideshow figures and enjoyed them (still have 4 of them) but that Flint figure was brutal IMO.
  19. R

    threezero is expanding the 1:6 GI JOE line for 2022!

    Those bases are really cool, I especially like the placards on them.