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  1. vaanrose

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    This skin literally has subsurface scattering. They're not even trying to give you a 3D render that resembles what it will look like in real life.
  2. vaanrose

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I forgot all about the Yuna figure lol
  3. vaanrose

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    There's no sense in passing this up to wait for GT, imo. At this rate Part 2 will be out before we even get their Tifa. And maybe if enough people buy this TE will consider some of the other cast.
  4. vaanrose

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Aerith is the kind of character that really needs to be able to hold a bent arm pose without risk of damage. ToysEra have shown all the poses you'd typically want, praying, holding her staff, even holding her flower basket. Just wish two sets of arms would become standard, because if a pose...
  5. vaanrose

    Worldbox X Onetoys OT019 Man Of War (God of War Kratos)

    His arms feel disconnected from his body, not simply because there's a seam line there, but because they've kinda cheated the arms out in order to allow more movement, so that his bulky serratus muscles and the thick leather armor doesn't completely hinder any ability to move, like the Mondo...
  6. vaanrose

    LIMTOYS - Nathan 1/6 scale collectible figure (Uncharted 4)

    The fact that some of us are spending $600 on a Gandalf a year after we spent $400 on a Gandalf should really settle this debate that there won't be a market for remakes.
  7. vaanrose

    LIMTOYS - Nathan 1/6 scale collectible figure (Uncharted 4)

    Okay but if it was my choice I'd want him to look more like Part 1 Nate lol. Guess I've just developed a thick skin for it. I'm a character artist for games, my work is constantly getting paintovers by leads telling me to accentuate a curve here or deemphasize an edge there. I actually like...
  8. vaanrose

    LIMTOYS - Nathan 1/6 scale collectible figure (Uncharted 4)

    I, for one, only "complain" when it's already a good figure. If a figure looks bad, I just move on and forget about it. If the people making it don't care what it looks like, why should I? But when the figure already looks fantastic, that's when you know the people behind it are passionate, and...
  9. vaanrose

    LIMTOYS - Nathan 1/6 scale collectible figure (Uncharted 4)

    The silhouette of his upper torso is perfection. The curve of his shoulders and arms is a home run. I know it's subtle, but just a tiiiiny bit more padding to fill out the thighs and the calves to give them the same strong S-curve the arms have would really push it over the edge for me.
  10. vaanrose

    LIMTOYS - Nathan 1/6 scale collectible figure (Uncharted 4)

    If I had a nitpick for this otherwise fantastic figure it would be that he feels a bit top heavy. In particular, I'd like to see a little bit of padding added to his legs to better match how massive they've made his arms. Something more like the recent Prime 1 statue, where his thighs are like...
  11. vaanrose

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Always got to recommend RESIONE for 3D printing articulated pieces. The cheapo standard resin everybody uses to print minis wears itself down when rubbing against itself and makes for very poor joints, plus it's brittle and prone to breakage at the slightest drop, but the RESIONE stuff is...
  12. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    I'm saying all I can do is compare what exists to what exists. InArt is making product I want to own. Hot Toys might be killing it right now with the characters they're choosing to make, but it's rarely product I want to own anymore, because the product I want to own is all stuff they've already...
  13. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    I actually think it is fair to compare the two, if there's no intention to make another ANH Luke. Hot Toys could come out tomorrow with an InArt quality level Mon Mothma or something and it wouldn't really matter to me at all, given my collecting focus is on the big, iconic looks for the big...
  14. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    Maybe Hot Toys is making an Episode II Anakin that looks exactly like Hayden, and that's great if you're an Episode II fan, but it doesn't go back and make my Episode IV Luke look more like Mark. At the moment my interest in InArt is predominantly driven by them bringing older figures of iconic...
  15. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    I just hope InArt is able to find the good middle ground between making one-offs and making dozens of figures belonging to a single line. Not everybody agrees on what constitutes a core character, but I'd love a studio that would focus on making the core cast of an IP and then move on to...
  16. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    Catch me about to pay $470 for a Pippin figure
  17. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    Why is a customizer's time more valuable than the people InArt hires to do the work?
  18. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    Well, I was talking about how his left eye looks like it's open slightly more than his right. It's subtle, but you can see that the bottom edge of his left iris sits flush with the eyelid, but the bottom of his right iris is partially obscured by the eyelid. To me it doesn't look like a mistake...
  19. vaanrose

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

    The assymmetry in his eyes is an interesting choice. It doesn't look bad, but I can't say I really notice it in any stills from the movie.
  20. vaanrose

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    If they put the shipping box inside another shipping box to protect it, you'd all just want the second box to be pristine, too.