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  1. Ropen

    1/6 Hot Toys Batman Forever Batman (sonar suit)

    They don’t, i literally took a picture similar to that one and by the end the paint from robin’s suit started to peeL and the cod piece became unglued LOL. the whole picture session was a few minutes and that’s how fast they started to bubble up And peel.
  2. Ropen

    Jazzinc 1/6 Batman 1989 Batwing

    Massive congratulations, I remember the days when you were trying to make the 1966 Batmobile and now Made it to DC’s collectibles page, congrats again!!
  3. Ropen

    Bandai GX-71 Beast King GoLion - Voltron

    Voltron is getting a 50th anniversary edition, Voltron GX-71SP is up for preorder, this edition is closer in paint colors to the original Popy and it has chrome accents all over the figure, abs, legs, joints, everywhere.
  4. Ropen

    Jazzinc 1/6 Batman 1989 Batwing

    Ohh, I was seeing this no my mobile and it was the brief version, my bad!
  5. Ropen

    Jazzinc 1/6 Batman 1989 Batwing

    Joost, is this the Jazzinc version? I just got an email about this monumental piece that I thought was sold out but the website doesn’t specify the manufacturer...
  6. Ropen


    I thought he was Devastator? LOL, I cannot wait for him, part of me wished he was the figure that would had been released but Bonecrusher is great also!! It Also helps I got him for free thanks to a Target mistake lol. My biggest mistake is missing out on Jazz, Ironhide and Ratchet, I only have...
  7. Ropen


    A true masterpiece, honestly coming from a military background, I am loving the military vehicle lineup that the first Transformers is giving me! I just picked up my Bonecrusher from target earlier today and couldn't been happier!!!
  8. Ropen

    Action Figure McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Line

    Thanks, sells online only at the moment and couldn't see it in person in the stores I went, however they got like 3 boxes of BTAS figures because I must have seen like 4 platinum scarecrows lined up in the shelves!!
  9. Ropen

    Action Figure McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Line

    Anyone buying the McFarlane DC BTAS batman bike? how different is it from the DC collectibles one?
  10. Ropen

    TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)

    push comes to shove, entertainment earth is selling the bundles with april and viceversa!
  11. Ropen

    TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)

    My April hunt has been complete, shelves literally stocked them up Wednesday!!
  12. Ropen

    Marks on 3D prints? Any thoughts?

    With stuff like that you can blend it with soft grit sand paper! Not too rash until it’s all smoothed out
  13. Ropen

    Hot Toys Batman Forever 1/6th scale Robin Collectible figure

    What brand would you use for the suits material? I saw some WIPS here and I wanted to experiment with the extra suit I got. Long story short sideshow came through with a replacement body because the paint was peeling from my original figure I showed here before! The paint’s suit started to...
  14. Ropen

    TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)

    You saw ray fillet and mondo already 😎🤓 omg
  15. Ropen

    TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)

    That foot soldier was wave 1 of the villains earlier this year. Now the waves will have April, ray fillet, mondo, wingnut, Baxter and genghis. I’m having FOMO because they always sell out at my stores and I keep checking the back of the cards because they feature April just in case we missed...
  16. Ropen

    The Blu-Ray Upcoming, News & Info Thread

    I buy digital movies, but it does suck that we can’t buy streaming exclusive movies on platforms yet.
  17. Ropen

    TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)

    Has anyone seen the playmates vintage April and mondo gecko in stores yet?
  18. Ropen

    Hot Toys pleather/plastic maintenance.

    Is there a way to revert stretchy pleather? Posing something for a few minutes will create bubbles under some of figures that look like they could pop and start tearing. Am i completely screwed or is there a in home fix that can help with it? The figure is a couple of weeks old. I also posed my...
  19. Ropen

    1/6 Hot Toys DX19 - The Dark Knight Rises - 1/6th scale Batman Collectible Figure

    I’m on the same boat, although I prefer the bruce wayne sculpt from Dx-12, the dx-19‘s body is years ahead. I tried posing the dx-12 body on the new bat pod And tumbler and I had to fight with it a little bit, the dx-19 was incredibly easy and flexible, i love it.
  20. Ropen

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    I know popfinder can be a hit or miss but Target's online inventory has been all over the place recently. I understand their street date was October 1st, but have they been spotted in stores