Very much looking forward to the these.
Messy hair and beards have always been hard to translate into physical sculpts. It effects the likeness a lot more than people realize.
I'll probably preorder as soon as they are up just to be safe. Don't want to take the risk of waiting and then have them removed from the site because of a C&D.
More likely samples made by the factory. In that case, things can be worse/lower quality. Like material and paint apps were not up to spec.. and using blue tac :lol
Damn that blue tac is ridiculous. What does it mean "samples with blue tac"? Like the head sculpt itself was a sample piece and not even a final production piece? :oops:
I'll hold off on the toys era for now. OSO has it up for preorder if anyone's interested. Toys Era (PE015) 1/6 Scale The Last Father Figure
Maybe it's just the paint apps but the Mars looks a little young to me. Hopefully they can improve that.
The Avengers Endgame releases were all insanely overproduced. Sideshow does not want to make the same mistake again by having inventory pile up. I have a feeling that some of the more recent Marvel reveals like Kang will sell out much faster than we'd expect. Not because of high demand but...