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  1. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    She's finally up at sideshow. Just preordered her.
  2. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    I'm giving them till the end of the week and ill be forced to buy elsewhere.
  3. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    I contacted sideshow yesterday. They don't know when 7 is going up for preorder there only that they're sure it will happen soon. So there's the update for those waiting like I am.
  4. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    I've been waiting all day too on them.
  5. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    She's still not up at sideshow😢. I need that payment plan!
  6. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    Is she up at Sideshow yet? I need that flexpay.
  7. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    Not my top 6, but anything from a Fistful of Datas would be bought. One of my favorite episodes.
  8. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Discovery" figures

    Has there been any discussion of releasing Pike as a deluxe hybrid release of Discovery/SNW? He would come with his Discovery jacket, his SNW jacket AND his green wraparound shirt from SNW. Thoughts.
  9. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    *bummed he won't get a Tuvix*
  10. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    On facebook Nanjin is asking which TNG side characters we want just like on the Voyager and DS9 topics here. Here are my 6 Nanjin Guinan Tasha Yar Ensign Ro Q(Starfleet uniform) Hugh Borg drone
  11. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    I'm excited. I'm off Tuesday so ill be waiting for her to go live.
  12. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

    Here's mine: Gul Dukat Garak Ensign Nog Weyoun Martok Gowron(not sure which show he counts for).
  13. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    Tuvix 7 of 9(Borg version) Seska 7 of 9(Starfleet green outfit) Admiral Janeway Lt. Barclay
  14. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Discovery" figures

    I hope Burnham sells out. I would like more of her crew.
  15. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Are we going to have predetermined choices or can we just shout out whatever we want? I want Gul Dukat Weyoun Garak Guinan Martok Gowron Tuvix(I'm so serious)
  16. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    4 tops for Picard?! A must buy.
  17. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I'm excited for TNG. I've been buying from all the shows and movies but TNG first got me into Trek and I want their whole crew for sure.
  18. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "First Contact" figures

    That's my favorite Crusher moment too. She was such a natural leader.
  19. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    So was that newsletter from Timewalkee Toys correct? 7 of 9 is next followed by Admiral Kirk from TMP? And then based on your comments Saru will be somewhere in between them?