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  1. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Nanjin, will we get any TNG crew this year? I'd really like that Geordie or Riker. Or surprise us with Crusher. Whatever. Just something more than villains and aide characters for it.
  2. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I'm gonna give "Mirror Mirror" spin. Haven't watched it in years. I can't do this Sulu without wanting the Spock. How can you not have both. And yet Sulu's sculpt is so perfect.
  3. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I'm thankful for the current pace. Making it easy for me to get EMH and Sisko on payment plans.
  4. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    If it's Tuvok, east preorder. That crew is coming along faster than the others for some reason
  5. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    So conflicted about Sulu. I have no desire to get mirror Spock but that Sulu is gorgeous.
  6. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Discovery" figures

    I like Burnham and Saru. Me getting them will depend totally on what else is competing for my dollar. I'm not gonna get them over Laforge or Riker for example.
  7. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I want 2 but ill probably only get one and switch 7 and Locutus out of it
  8. darthkush

    Hot Toys MMS AOTC Padme Amidala (Speculation)

    So no Padme. They teased Mace Windu which is nice though.
  9. darthkush

    Hot Toys MMS AOTC Padme Amidala (Speculation)

    Bump! Is tonight finally the night?
  10. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "TOS" Figures (The Original Series)

    Nanjin, we are all fans of what you are doing. Please don't let some of the negative ruin the far more present positive. I'm very excited about all you've shown.
  11. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    Who's after 7 and Tuvok? Is Chakotay a safe bet?
  12. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

    That's who I'm waiting on. Lt Commander Worf is my favorite character.
  13. darthkush

    ThunderCats Classics by Mattel

    Anybody get their wave 2 from big bad toystore yet? I know they are shipping 4 but have heard no news on 2.
  14. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    I wonder how soon we're getting a Troi. I'm anxious to see which outfit they've chosen for her. I want the purple.
  15. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

    I'd buy Leeta but I think her chances of being made are slim to none. Maybe if Nanjin does that women of trek thing.
  16. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

    My Janeway arrived today! So excited! I have a spot picked out for her and I have plans for a trek shelf.
  17. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Dukat is a Must. One of the best villains in all of Trek. If we only get one Cardassian, I want him.
  18. darthkush

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

    Is sideshow not getting Sisko? I prefer buying from them due to the payment plans.