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  1. heon123

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

    Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx) Crazy how these prequel figures just came and went. Should've kept my Dark Side Anakin.
  2. heon123

    S.H. Figuarts Star Wars

    That's a great custom.
  3. heon123

    1/6 Hot Toys - Solo: A Star Wars Story - HAN SOLO

    15 million an episode? :horror
  4. heon123

    1/6 Share your HT Star Wars collection Pics Thread

    Damn, what are you using to hold down the figures? Always wanted to go baseless with mine.
  5. heon123

    1/6 Hot Toys -MMS 517- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION)

    Thanks to all the great enabling photos in here I've jumped on and he's on his way. Think a ROTJ Luke makes the best case for something I'll definitely regret if I missed him.
  6. heon123

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Rogue One Orson Krennic

    Well, hoping my Krennic's rain poncho came in handy.
  7. heon123

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Rogue One Orson Krennic

    Terrific pics TonTon. Anyone hear anything from Popcultcha yet?
  8. heon123

    1/6 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - 1/6th scale Darth Vader 40th Anniversary

    If they're pushed hard enough, they will act on it. The existence of Krennic and multiple changes to headsculpt prototypes is testament (albeit an inconsistent one) to that. And they are still the leading authority in the hobby by a long, long mile which grants them the flexibility to be...
  9. heon123

    1/6th Hot Toys The Last Jedi Poe Dameron

    Doesn't add up that they'd go through the trouble of making a figure from scratch like say the Jet Trooper or the Sith Trooper (which I think was a license mandate) but refuse to release the Poe figure which we know has been completed since 2017. Despite sentiments about the ST aside, Poe in...
  10. heon123

    Hasbro 6" Black Series Star Wars line

    The SH Figuarts one's looks incredible. Fingers crossed.
  11. heon123

    Christopher Nolan's Tenet (August 12th, 2020)

    Re: Christopher Nolan's Tenet (July 17th, 2020) Bleh.
  12. heon123

    1/6 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - 1/6th scale Darth Vader 40th Anniversary

    Thought Han reveal for ESB's 40th was a shoe-in. The wait continues...
  13. heon123

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Rogue One Orson Krennic

    Poncho looks great.
  14. heon123

    Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

    Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" Still can't get over how bad the TROS Kylo figure looks in the Secret Base photos. Hope they put more effort if they go ahead with a Ben Solo figure at all.
  15. heon123

    1/6 Hot Toys -MMS 517- Episode VI ROTJ Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure (DELUXE VERSION)

    No fret. Think it just means it's awaiting processing but the order's been confirmed.
  16. heon123

    Hot Toys SOLO Mudtrooper

    Are you me? Honestly can't think of much more I'll need. That is, until the 2.0's start rolling out...
  17. heon123

    Hot Toys SOLO Mudtrooper

    Eh, I'm just glad I don't have the temptation of ordering him anymore. Will gladly let this guy fall wayside as I'm not big on trooper variants or Solo.