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  1. GhostBeard

    InArt - Harry Potter 1/6 Collectible Figure

    I think its the eyes that are off on the sculpt. Harris' seemed more worn and slant. The mouth also seems to small comparatively.
  2. GhostBeard

    InArt - Harry Potter 1/6 Collectible Figure

    Same. I would be tempted by a Gambon Dumbledore, but not Harris. I get Harris was book accurate but Gambon's portrayal was far more entertaining IMO.
  3. GhostBeard

    General Laurel and Hardy figure discussion

    Well, my bank gave me back over half the money I forked over to big thief. I'm re-submitting the claim with documentation this time to attempt to get the remaining $200 USD. I cannot complain as others lost all, but will still hold out hope for the remainder. :pray:
  4. GhostBeard

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Wrath of Khan" Figures

    Do we know it will be Spock first?
  5. GhostBeard

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Wrath of Khan" Figures

    Other than the Johnny Long Torso look people have already mentioned, there's just something about Spock's face that appears off.
  6. GhostBeard

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Picard” Figures

    He's not angry. He's misunderstood.
  7. GhostBeard

    Neca has universal monsters!!!

    I once got to watch it in a theater with Julie Adams on her birthday! Afterwards the whole theater sang her "Happy Birthday." It really is quite good, and even though I prefer the 30's gothic horror style Universal picture, Creature is a standout.
  8. GhostBeard

    1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

    Right there with you. Slowly edging out myself. There's one or two smaller items I kind of have my eye on, but nothing 1/6 and certainly not at those price points.
  9. GhostBeard

    General Laurel and Hardy figure discussion

    Yikes. I'm sorry. Just more complaining. Nothing to see here.
  10. GhostBeard

    General Laurel and Hardy figure discussion

    Not to beat a crooked, poorly managed horse, but apparently I had a reminder in my email snoozed for today for the L&H figures that we were assured would be released this month in a lengthy email from big thief, along with in progress clothing pics. Main Factory (human) Commander John Koenig -...
  11. GhostBeard

    1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

    I got shudders in my spine recalling telephone conversations with bcs reps giving me their "assurances." :confused: 💀 :oops: Hope you transactions work out.
  12. GhostBeard

    Super7 Ultimates! Mars Attacks

    Thinking the same
  13. GhostBeard

    1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

    You going to try to get that money back?
  14. GhostBeard

    1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

    This is enough for me to stay away. (y)
  15. GhostBeard

    Super7 Ultimates! Mars Attacks

    Pre-ordered through BBTS. Looking forward to this as I was always a fan of the card art well before the movie, which other than the lifted character design, was very disappointing.
  16. GhostBeard

    1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

    Just a thought. Any chance the powers-that-be attempt another like business? I'm assuming we all know names of people to be wary of from now on?
  17. GhostBeard

    Mondo Horror/Monster Figures

    From Mondo: The Godzilla Burning Variant is a Timed Edition that will be available from Tuesday 8/29, 12 NOON CT through Friday 9/1, 11:59 AM CT … only at Estimated Shipping April 2024. Payment Plans Available. $150
  18. GhostBeard

    1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

    These stories are very tough to read and keep me from overly complaining about my $500, at least I hope they do. I'd still try something with your bank regarding the funds, maybe not likely, but you never know.
  19. GhostBeard

    Star Wars: Ahsoka

    Another meaningless lightsaber stab. Lightsabers are the new stormtroopers.