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  1. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    Is that the HT faceplate?
  2. GhostBeard

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    In many circles, that I've seen anyway, P3 is seen more as an anomaly and not indicative of Trek proper. I get the sense that Disco has had disastrous effects for Trek's image. Other people's mileage may vary.
  3. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    Would you feel comfortable posing Bats in a more action pose (i.e. does the fabric costumer appear like it would hold up)?
  4. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    Great shot. Considering HT needed mods and costs more, I'm happy for Saturn Dynamic Duo. Thanks for sharing all the great info.
  5. GhostBeard

    The Flash - July 2022

    Interesting that the Destroyer album is on display as I can see the influence on that suit. :oops: :LOL:
  6. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    Great pics and info, especially about the Saturn Batman outfit which I've read horror stories about snagging. In fact there's one for sale on eBay now that mentions pulled threads on Batman's torso. For the money and how I'll be displaying these were the best option for me, other people's...
  7. GhostBeard

    The Flash - July 2022

    I didn’t like any of the Schumacher flicks, but somehow this seems worse.
  8. GhostBeard

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30th, 2023)

    TFA was the first new SW in years and the start of a new trilogy. Crystal Skull was the 1st Indy since '89. DoD's box office will not be like those two movies.
  9. GhostBeard

    The Flash - July 2022

    This forum may start to get that eulogy feel. :oops: 💀
  10. GhostBeard

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    There is still a lot of positivity here. "Negativity" is really a mix of honest figure critique and bewilderment at N's modus operandi.🖖
  11. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    Yeah, I was wondering about keeping Batman with an arms over head bomb pose.
  12. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    Can the left pant leg be tucked into the boot?
  13. GhostBeard

    The Flash - July 2022

    That box of Just for Men pulling overtime.
  14. GhostBeard

    The Flash - July 2022

    Yes. Their "Batman Beyond" was going to be the Batgirl movie. Superman was going to be Supergirl. The coming of the DSheU. Batgirl gets shelved, Flash ending gets reshoot to cover. Gunn reboots.
  15. GhostBeard

    Mars Toys 1/6 Prank Villain (Three versions of Cesar Romero's Joker)

    Holy crap! Those 40's Batman and Robin figures are incredible!!
  16. GhostBeard

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    The hair is an issue for sure. :LOL:
  17. GhostBeard

    The Flash - July 2022

    I guess we'll see. By all accounts, from what I've seen and heard, the need to finally put to rest the Snyderverse is real. Marvel had Coulson dead in the movies and alive on TV. Max has AAA characters that the general movie going public doesn't know or care about, but can make WB a tidy little...
  18. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    That's the key right there. Either they misjudged their customers' eye for detail or, as you suggest, are only in it for the cash grab.
  19. GhostBeard

    The Flash - July 2022

    Yeah, that MAX thing I feel they're considering separate and largely disconnected from the movies proper. Peacemaker did better than expected but it's an offshoot of a movie most consider a failure. Perhaps not.
  20. GhostBeard

    Saturn Toys 1/6 '66 Batman and Robin

    Got to love that ingenuity. (y) Perhaps this is a misread on my part, but for all the flack Batman '66 gets from certain people the characters to this day elicit a lot of devotion. As you have rightly mentioned, these specific figures might be getting over played when you consider their actual...