Hardy Daytona arrived safe and sound phew! Not sure if it’s the same for everyone, but mine didn’t come with instructions and I’m at a loss for what type of batteries to use. Would anyone know? I’d appreciate ya.
Anyone else get their Hardy Daytona from One Sixth Kit? I got Cloud just fine but the bike hasn’t moved since Feb 10th. Coming via Singapore post. It’s only been 30 days and I know it can take longer sometimes. Just curious if anyone else in in the same situation.
Yeah, an Ebay PO worked out for me one time so I thought it was ok, after the second time went the way it did, I no longer consider it an option at all.
Yeah, he roped me in with that. He kept saying stuff like "We contacted the manufacturer and they informed us that our batch is almost ready, please wait a little longer". This went on for almost 6 months. He's definitely no good