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  1. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Batman

    I’ve unzipped the suit probably about 20 times no problem for me Before: After: I’ve tried to get of the lumps out of the cowl this is the best I can do. I’ve got a photo of what JL BM looks like stock then a picture of mine. Stock: My custom :
  2. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Batman

    Yes there is a zip at the back
  3. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Batman

    No I don’t have before pictures I just put some padding where I mentioned in the post.
  4. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Batman

    Looks like he has a bad case of mumps, cheers I’ll see what I can do with the bulging
  5. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Batman

    I bought a JL Batman dirt cheap last week I thought I’d take a chance still don’t like it in person, the eyes look cross-hide the Batman emblem on the chest looks strange like it hasn’t got any curve on the top it’s sort of straight and it’s body portions are way out in fact it doesn’t even...
  6. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    Now overpriced
  7. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League The Flash

    What do think of flash’s look in the end sequence of Justice League ?
  8. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    What happened ? was so looking forward to this head sculpt. Prototype: Finished:
  9. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    Wow....What’s with the length of the legs on the bootleg superman
  10. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    The suit by HT’s is still quality even now but the head sculpt was really poor back five years ago never mind now doesn’t look nothing like Henry Cavill.
  11. james the cat

    Hot Toys Justice League Superman

    Far from accurate Five year old figures that have been repackaged and sold as a double, absolutely disgusting from HT?s they should hang there heads in shame but they won?t they will be laughing all the way to the bank at your expense. I used to like it when enterbay were making figures it kept...
  12. james the cat

    1/6 Zack Snyder's Justice League - 1/6th scale Knightmare Batman and Superman Collectible

    No 100% leather HT’s should upgrade everything it’s a five year old figure....the cheek
  13. james the cat

    1/6 Zack Snyder's Justice League - 1/6th scale Knightmare Batman and Superman Collectible

    HT?s will keep on shafting as long as they can get away with it basically they are selling five year old figures apart from the colour of the suit at full price. The Justice League Batman had better face plates than this Knight-mare BM shown, and that came out three years later... should get a...
  14. james the cat

    1/6 Zack Snyder's Justice League - 1/6th scale Knightmare Batman and Superman Collectible

    The head sculpt on superman was pretty crap when it first came out and HT?s are still using it nearly five years later same with the knightmare it is a piss take. They will Charge the collectors a fortune for this they need to update them both.
  15. james the cat

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Avengers: Endgame Capt America

    The letter A on his helmet stands for a Aardvark walks in to a bar, bar man says why the long face :rotfl
  16. james the cat

    Hot Toys MMS372 BvS: Dawn of Justice Knightmare Batman Collectible Figure

    There both coats and that’s where the comparison ends none are close like you say the custom coat looks like a bathrobe the stock looks like a rapist 1980’s flasher coat.
  17. james the cat

    Hot Toys MMS372 BvS: Dawn of Justice Knightmare Batman Collectible Figure

    Both coats are wrong the stock and the custom, don’t matter how much you dye the stock it’s still way off it’s not even remotely close.
  18. james the cat

    Hot Toys MMS372 BvS: Dawn of Justice Knightmare Batman Collectible Figure

    I hope HT’s fetch out a more updated knightmare Ive had this nearly five years (it don’t seem like five years though) its a great figure but it’s got it’s flaws. Better mouth pieces of Affleck like HT’s did for the JL Batman which was miles better than the BvS mouth pieces, a more accurate coat...