I feel like these people should’ve just waited for inart bc their mods look closer to that figures outfit and proportions
i always thought HT had the edge for everything but the actual suit and with that comparison I think I was right but then again this is IA’s prototype from a year ago. Even...
Really want to purchase this but since the body isn’t apparently that great, I’m holding off. Too lazy to body swap. Might cave anyway, just wish a company would make a decent Ada
I’d love for for Lim toys to tackle RE figures (specifically RE4 remake Leon/ada) but they’re so backed up, I doubt they’d even consider it. The figures that have been announced just aren’t doing anything for me unfortunately
I think people are totally blowing this out of proportion. Soosoo has overwhelmed themselves with the amount of figures they announced with very few actual releases. More than likely they’d rather stay quiet so more expectations aren’t created