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  1. Goonsack Steve

    Prime1 Giger Alien (Big Chap)

    Looks like I may be cancelling that SC reach around now lmao
  2. Goonsack Steve

    CoolProps Robocop Life Size Bust

    Yeah... $3,000 USD before shipping and taxes... Yeah I'm out.
  3. Goonsack Steve

    Prime 1 - Alien Warrior 1/3

    Didn't notice any but would like to know of any notable ones
  4. Goonsack Steve

    Prime1 Giger Alien (Big Chap)

    Yeah I'll never be dealing with them again. Was rare that I went with a US retailer anyway. Will only ever do local or direct from now on
  5. Goonsack Steve

    Prime1 Giger Alien (Big Chap)

    Would you consider $500 and a coconut trade?
  6. Goonsack Steve

    Prime1 Giger Alien (Big Chap)

    Well Secret Compass formally said to me they'll refund my Big Chap order now.. was worth a try trying to get a broken one.. looks like I'll have to pay the absurd after market prices if I want one now
  7. Goonsack Steve

    InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf 1:6

    This is phenomenal. I haven't had a 1/6 figure in several years and this is seriously tempting me back in..
  8. Goonsack Steve

    DarkSide: Terminator 2 - T-800 1:3

    Definitely am waiting. Scale is a big thing for me tho. If it's not at least 1/3 I'll probably pass and get this guy
  9. Goonsack Steve

    1/3 Predator 2 City Hunter - Prime 1

    I'm honestly shocked by the price. Legit thought they'd go with $999
  10. Goonsack Steve

    1/3 Predator 2 City Hunter - Prime 1

    Bust going of for P.O soon.
  11. Goonsack Steve

    DarkSide: Terminator 2 - T-800 1:3

    I believe it is the skin paint that it giving this a dated look. If I get this I'll get it repainted. Would look fantastic given a proper paint job and glass eyes
  12. Goonsack Steve

    DarkSide: Terminator 2 - T-800 1:3

    I'm kind of the same. Because I haven't really seen a silicone statue I care about buying I'm kind of blind to how much better they are. I'm sure whatever QS release will show me soon enough
  13. Goonsack Steve

    DarkSide: Terminator 2 - T-800 1:3

    I really dig this. Am gonna wait to see what Queen Studios do, but unless it's 1/3, this will be it for me
  14. Goonsack Steve

    1/3 Predator 2 City Hunter - Prime 1

    Definitely mate. I remember expecting the DX to be $2800 due to it being a lesser character AND more of a simple statue
  15. Goonsack Steve

    1/3 Predator 2 City Hunter - Prime 1

    To me this statue is a BIG DX or pass. Standard has barely anything and is still expensive asf. Definitely get the DX if your gonna bother with the full statue
  16. Goonsack Steve

    1/3 Predator 2 City Hunter - Prime 1

    Was my question I asked during a recent Q&A. Not sue if that means Predators, but the fact that at the very least we aren't seeing a Dutch is devastating..
  17. Goonsack Steve

    Prime1 Giger Alien (Big Chap)

    Great news. Looks like Shane might be able to get me one after all if true. Still no solution to my preorder being sold on me just yet so hopefully he's trying to secure me a new one
  18. Goonsack Steve

    Prime1 Giger Alien (Big Chap)

    Wait, prime 1 are sourcing new parts for this? So I very well may get a new one from SC?
  19. Goonsack Steve

    1/3 Predator 2 City Hunter - Prime 1

    Does prime 1 charge shipping on per box? I thought estimated shipping was for all the boxes???
  20. Goonsack Steve

    1/3 Predator 2 City Hunter - Prime 1

    Seems everywhere is having a cost of living crisis. Australia's government just majorly cut fuel tax and handed out money to those on pensions to help subsidise the crazy upscalling in costs.. Also loan interests rates are about to rise by 300% which is just greeeaatttt