Uh. Sure. I can try.
The fat suit was cut so all that was left is the front and the "underwear". This allowed the robes to overlap. The neck adaptor was removed and the smaller piece inside the adaptor was inserted a little deeper in the sculpt....if that makes sense. :/
That's basically it...
Shortened the neck and modded the fat suit. Hair and beard definitely need to be repainted. Overall though pretty happy with this guy. :)
Futzing the robes took me back to when I modded and futzed my SS Ben Kenobi all those years ago. :lol Material is almost the same.
Hey thanks Adam! :) If HT did get around to it, I'm sure they'd do a better job with the clothing than I have on my custom here. The quality on this SS jacket and shirt are OK. Can't say if their sculpt would be better. This Jnix sculpt is near perfection. :exactly:
Not the way to go. Leave the Sideshow adaptor inside and fill it with hot glue. Then insert the HotToy peg inside while the glue is still hot. I believe I used a longer ankle peg. The peg should be pretty secure once the glue hardens. :wave
Something that worked for me on the SS stormtrooper black undersuits was to just wash them really good with soap and water. I'll probably try that with this coat. Just can't bare the thought of displaying this guy without his coat. :/