You'll get it a few weeks after it feels like everyone else under the sun has theirs from SSC. But you can't beat the shipping.
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Just took the coat off of mine and the purple staining is pretty bad on his shoulders, arms, and parts of his back. Sigh....if I was confident in painting, I could easily be made into bruising, but I don't want to **** him up more.
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I really like it, I just can't afford it. I used all my rp to knock the Maul statue down to $284 and I don't shop much from Sideshow now... sigh
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I'd be ok if it really was Hot Toys that acquired the license, if that's what's going on. I'd just feel bad for QMX. Nanjin seems really into the work they're doing with Pennywise.
Everything I keep seeing from this company on Facebook is shared though Enterbay, but I don't know if that means much? Also, here's a link to the page to preorder where there's also larger close up pics...
Has anyone seen this yet??
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