I canceled my order on Sunday before I was charged on Monday because I had a bad feeling that this would turn out horrible... and I was right. This looks terrible, sorry to everyone that has received one. I'd return it ASAP.
I'm worried for the Mark 42 now... :(
Send me a PM of what you're selling, I'm always interested!!
But yea, the exchange rate is going to kill me on this one and I have the Queen of the Dead PF shipping at the same time... ugh!
Jack is one of my favourite PFs, Sideshow did an incredible job with him. I can understand why he isn't part of the COTD line up but I'll certainly be displaying him with Queen, Red Death, etc.
Wow I didn't know that she had begun shipping (even to select few)... but even in the garbage photos, she looks stunning!
Can't wait to get my hands on her! :drool