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  1. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years-1/6 scale Captain America (Concept Art)

    No notice for me either...I’ve got one payment pending at the moment...
  2. MarvelZombie

    1/6 1/6: Hot Toys - MMS4??D20 - Iron Man 2 - Mark IV Diecast Figure

    It may have been mentioned and I missed it, but has the version without the gantry been released yet? I have one final payment so I was just wondering...
  3. MarvelZombie

    Hot Toys - MMS - Ironman - Ironman Mk II Diecast Collectible Figure

    The new waist is a big welcome from the one that came with the Mark III. I very much enjoy the raw, riveted look of the Mark II. Overall I’m happy with mine considering this is my first Mark II. Extending his torso while posing him also helps with the height issue a bit. Either way I’m happy.
  4. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Spider-Man: Homecoming - Spider-Man Collectible Figure

    Holland sculpt is really good. I love it.
  5. MarvelZombie

    Hot Toys - MMS - Ironman - Ironman Mk II Diecast Collectible Figure

    Got my shipping email this morning, Mark II will be here early next week!
  6. MarvelZombie

    Hot Toys - MMS - Ironman - Ironman Mk II Diecast Collectible Figure

    Mine too, my first Mark II, cannot wait. Just need HT to make a diecast Mark l and I’m all set.
  7. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys - Infinity War - Iron Spider

    I’m hoping they are possible as well...I really hope I’m able to pose spidey like the Turner variant cover to Civil War 3 where he’s sitting with the extra legs holding him above Caps shield.
  8. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys - Infinity War - Iron Man

    Oh yeah...totally me...I actually have a checklist on my phone...once a fig arrives I have a mental and then physical check and once it’s been initially posed, on to the next. :rotfl
  9. MarvelZombie

    FS: HT Winter Soldier MMS351 Grail $275 shipped

    Awesome deal, someone should snag this up quick. He’s a beast of a of my favorites.
  10. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years-1/6 scale Captain America (Concept Art)

    Do we have any idea when Sideshow will get these in? I see them popping up here and there, but I’m never exactly sure on the timing of these things.
  11. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys - Infinity War - Iron Man

    Yeah, I’m passing on the accessory pack for now...I’ve got a bunch of pre-orders already and I’m still waiting for a few figs to pop up as well. No room for a figure priced accessory pack at the moment.
  12. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years-1/6 scale Captain America (Concept Art)

    Man, this figure looks incredible...I cannot wait to get my hands on it. I ordered from SS, I’d love to know when they are getting him. I did payment plan but I’d pay him off early in a second.
  13. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Iron Man Mark 7 Diecast

    Ordered...I avoided buying a plastic Mark 7 because I knew this day was coming...just need the diecast 1 and depending on what Mark comes out in AV4 I may be stepping back a bit...these prices are no joke. I’m glad I never messed with any of the 1/4 scale figs.:lol
  14. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Iron Man Mark 7 Diecast

    I’d love to see a secret project diecast be released after this one comes out...cause I don’t have enough Mark 7 clones yet. :lol
  15. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Iron Man Mark 7 Diecast

    Ordered the second it’s the battle damaged pieces!
  16. MarvelZombie

    SDCC speculation and (eventually) photo catch all

    Any truth or proof to the rumors of an Ironman Mark II chrome version? I just caught wind of it being mentioned on IG.
  17. MarvelZombie

    Hot Toys - Hulkbuster (with Jackhammer arm)

    Damn, I didn’t snag 1.0, I may HAVE to order this...:panic:
  18. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS509 - Infinty War - Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)

    Re: Hot Toys - MMS - Infinty War - Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) the costume and that head sculpt is incredible.
  19. MarvelZombie

    1/6 Hot Toys MMS: Spider-Man: Homecoming - The Vulture - Collectible Figure

    Re: Hot Toys- Spider-Man: Homecoming Vulture Wow. Just wow. I really hope this gets made for all us collectors...and that I’m strong enough not to order it. :rotfl