I can see the "old" complaint. I think they need to soften the skin lines a bit, but i think the likeness is strong and the expression is very much Ron.
Both look good but i think the sculpted really captures the shape of the way his hair sits. Could probably achieve it with the rooted too after futzing, but it would eventually puff back out i assume.
Man the JND Ron sculpt seems to be getting laughed at all over online, am i blind?.....i think its pretty good. I prefer the InArt one, i think the proportions are a little more accurate, but the JND looks decent to me. Everyone seems to hate it.
Surprised to see people not like the sculpt. I think it's pretty good.
For a cheaper option to InArt this is solid. Bit more work on the outfit and it's a great cheaper alternative.
I do feel this version of Joker is becoming a "i'll wait, someone else will make another". No doubt JND will do...