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  1. gman

    Heroes- Now with spoilers!

    been catching up on this series....i think i am two weeks behind.....ZZZZZZZZZZ. Not that good.
  2. gman

    Rogue Comiquette

    nice display joeCPR! :monkey5
  3. gman

    csmoore Conan The Conqueror

    wonder if this will sell out or will it take time with the economy and retail price?
  4. gman

    What film are you most looking forward to in 2009

    wolverine looks to be a must see!
  5. gman

    The dark knight blue ray

    got the blu ray yesterday for $23.87. It goes from full screen to letter box during hte movie which is different but works. 1/2 way through it. saw it in the theater but crystal on the 1080p 46".
  6. gman

    Action Silver Surfer...chromed!

    wow that is nice of them. even at $100 it is a good deal.
  7. gman

    Bowen faux-bronze Spidey notice!!!

    yeah it's a good deal on the bay...and now they are talking a black costume faux bronze.
  8. gman

    AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

    Re: The next AH Comiquette-Black Queen up NOW. va va voom :monkey5
  9. gman

    Bowen's Planet Hulk Sneak

    should be killer!
  10. gman

    AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

    Re: The next AH Comiquette-Black Queen up NOW. lookin good!
  11. gman

    The End...tonight (The Shield)

    very good finale. Wow...could nopt believe a few of those scenes!!!!!
  12. gman

    Art on my walls

  13. gman

    The End...tonight (The Shield)

    i have watched faithfully since episode I and never missed a week. Very sad to see it go but can't wait for tonight!
  14. gman

    RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

    Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched. also saw "Changeling" at the theater. Jolie for Oscar?
  15. gman

    RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

    Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched. Leon: The Professional Love this flick. Natalie Portman and Jean Reno in a great thriller. Gary Oldman too. And Danny Aiello. Can't go wrong with this one!
  16. gman

    Mad Men on AMC

    going to try and get to finish the next two this weekend. i hope they run a marathon of season 2 again and i will record it on the dvr.
  17. gman

    Anyone else want a new Classic Spidey PF?

    many to choose from and some of the early ones are the best like vulture, electro and goblin.
  18. gman

    Mad Men on AMC

    i recently picked up season one on blu ray.....great stuff! I am through the 1st 3 episodes so far.
  19. gman

    Planet Hulk: Green Scar VS Silver Savage Polystone Diorama

    i wonder if bowen will do a planet hulk????