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  1. gman

    Classic Iron Man!!!..Sold out, waitlist available.

    Re: Classic Iron Man!!!..Now available, Link to buy in Post 1. hahahahaha:D
  2. gman

    Classic Iron Man!!!..Sold out, waitlist available.

    Re: Classic Iron Man!!! on the fence on this one.....:dunno
  3. gman

    What's your latest purchase?

    snagged a red skull PF exclusive on the bay and got the 30% deal with it. NICE! :banana
  4. gman

    Action Silver Surfer...chromed!

  5. gman

    Faux bronze just a fad?

    The color is what makes them stand out IMO. :google
  6. gman

    My S.I.M. last!!!!

    looks fantastic! great job.
  7. gman

    Squider's Collection Pics

    great stuff! :banana