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  1. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    That's really nice artwork. I would love to own a ST pinball someday... but please tell me that the game really doesn't flash like that. I don't know if I could take it more than a few mins..
  2. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek “The Motion Picture (TMP)” Figures

    Yes, i agree. We need a faithful representation of Shatner's ego as well as his face.. ;)
  3. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Ehh... ain't that a stinkah... :)
  4. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    I can't wait to see an updated Riker. I remember the first time I saw a prototype photo years ago that it looked rough. I'm sure it'll look leaps and bounds better by now. I think he's got one of those faces like Lt Paris and Capt. Kirk that's just tough to capture right. I think the Beverly...
  5. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Subcommander Tal would be a good choice. Wonder what is under the black shroud ... flat top make me think Tholian web space suit Kirk maybe?
  6. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

    Dunno why but my reaction to the expression is that it reminds me of the Bashir EMH.
  7. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

    Its interesting the decisions the force makes though. Apparently it causes a great disturbance if there aren't at least a few stray hairs on the bottom of the hair sculpt :D
  8. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    It's kinda tiered for me in terms of what to get. If I could afford it, I would want TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY main cast. The rest of it I'm OK passing on. If I had to choose 2 it would be DS9 and TNG. If I could only get 1 it would be TNG. So I have the voy set, which if I need to I'll sell...
  9. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    It's times like this I'm thankful to be colorblind, because everything looks fine to me, and i have no idea who's right in this argument. :🤷
  10. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    My money's on a 1/6 scale of that drawing Picard is holding ... :P Whatever it actually is, I'm excited to see what's next.
  11. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Oh... so there's no full mm all... for us regular folk? Hmmm...sigh
  12. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I know this may cause some pearl clutching, but I don't knoe if I want to buy TWOK Starfleet figures at all (Except a Kirstie Alley Saavik) if he's not going to do the full poster crew. May as well just wait for TUC. I'd rather have them once and all consistent to 1 movie... I dunno... just...
  13. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I've been thinking a lot about my own crotchety old man tendencies. I think what I'm starting to realize is that yes, the media has changed, but so have I, and when I get negative that way toward modern trek, it's because I'm searching for something that makes me feel the way I felt then...
  14. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    I think Wesley is a very tough character to have on that kind of show. He does too much, and he makes the adults look silly or just plain badly written. He does too little and he's no better than a cardboard cutout. That's the problem with having a character that really had no business being...
  15. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    Actually, i think i will need two Trois...
  16. D

    EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

    I'm so conflicted on Wesley. On one hand he was there at the beginning, was a title credits main character and lasted for 1/2 the show's run, unlike Tasha. But in my head, when I picture a figure display - it's Ro who I'd rather have at conn next to Data. At least it's not that rainbow...