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  1. Lord Vicious

    Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

    Re: Maximus :yess::yess::yess: Can't wait to see it, Spenser. Thanks for doing this :panic:
  2. Lord Vicious

    Kratos, God of War!!

    Thanks for the nice feedback, guys. Had a lot of fun making this.
  3. Lord Vicious

    Kratos, God of War!!

    Hi guys, Wanted to show you guys a custom I've been working on this past week: a 1/6 custom Kratos. Always loved his bad-ass character design... I took some pieces of the Neca 12 inch, an ACI Flamma body and customised the rest. Leather skirt and sandals, red cut up skirt, two headsculpts...
  4. Lord Vicious

    Custom Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver

    Awesome custom, mate! Congrats!! :clap
  5. Lord Vicious


    Véry cool custom, mate. Love how you made everything yourself. Awesome diorama too :clap
  6. Lord Vicious

    "Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

    That is a magnificent paintjob! Too bad that head is just a tad too big for 1/6... :monkey2
  7. Lord Vicious

    "Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

    So does anyone have any ideas what use for Walt's regular glasses? Oh, and just for fun; found this and thought I'd share :wave
  8. Lord Vicious

    "Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

    Great paintjob, mate. Well done! :clap
  9. Lord Vicious

    Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

    Re: Maximus Excellent choice! That's the 'Tigris of Gaul'-outfit. You could also do the "Battle of Carthage" one; pretty similar, just different leather skirt strips and it has some chainmail around the left arm and behind the 'skirt'. Technically that's the only one where he wears the...
  10. Lord Vicious

    "Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

    Ah damn. Not many options out there at the moment then :gah: Maybe we could contact Stevostoys to make one...?
  11. Lord Vicious

    "Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

    I wonder if the HT 1989 Joker's hat would work, if dyed black... :dunno
  12. Lord Vicious

    Maximus: Final Battle/Carthage armor.

    Re: Maximus :panic: tell us more, mate :clap
  13. Lord Vicious

    "Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

    So what's everybody using for Walt's regular glasses, not the sunglasses?
  14. Lord Vicious

    Predator! Ironman! Ripley! Terminator! Carlito! Ar18! Kaustic!

    Re: Hot Toys loose for Sale (Bodies, T800,HS...) UPDATE! Pm sent on Ripley body...
  15. Lord Vicious

    Collection Sale!!! Hot Toys, Enterbay OH MY!!!

    OMG, those are incredible prices!! :horror Aaaargh, no international shipping? :monkey2
  16. Lord Vicious

    WTB: Medicom Magneto

    Anybody got one? Pm me!
  17. Lord Vicious

    Cheap HT Superman

    Bump for Supes!