Considering the fact that HT turns something which was accurate in previous releases into inaccurate, I feel this is deliberate and wonder what they will change in ROTJ version. I hope it's not Shaw's portrait.
Honestly, if HT don't make Ford figures just because of the incident, I think they are not professional enough. They deny profit for the sake of anger. Not producing a Ford figure do not harm Ford, but lets HT gaining less money.
Not the Mando, the Grogu. But v3 Mando is not an huge improvement over v2, so easy pass for me. Waiting for v27 Mando in his full beskar armor sitting on his throne.
V1 is OG. V2 has the best Grogu set (That's why I bought it). I only want another Mando if he will be in full beskar. But I don't think he will ever have.