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  1. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Every single one of these unlicensed sexy Tifa statues looks completely different in hand than on the pre order / shop pics in terms of headsculpt quality. Every single one of them looks better on the pre order pics and is then downgraded for the actual physical release. There is like a 95%...
  2. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Yeah, i mean ... Final Fantasy Remake 7 Part 1 is like the first part of what? 3, 4 parts? And with a waiting time of like 3, 4 years between each part. So i'm pretty sure there are going to be new products and re releases when the next game part is out. It doesnt make much sense to only release...
  3. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Is here anyone from the EU zone who was able to import / buy a GameToys product through a EU store? I'm from Germany and there isnt a single german 1/6, 1/4 collector store with GameToys stuff in their product line. They have Virtual Toys for example but no GameToys anywhere. I'm not really...
  4. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I would not support something like that to be honest. I mean wtf, please cancel your order so that other people who dont mind the price can buy it. Even if it was a mistake, how about some offer instead of pay it or cancel it? Not even a coupon code or something? Not even a real explanation in...
  5. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I actually dont think that it looks like a 'error' if that helps you. Together with these grayish lines and small bumps, to me that scratch looks like it belongs there even if its not supposed to be there. I think it could possibly look way worse if you try to paint over it with a slightly wrong...
  6. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Also here is a update for the F4 Studio Cloud, Aerith, Tifa statue diorama set. Back when they announced it, they asked for user comments on how to improve the product and then posted a couple of new pictures of updated faces. Now the final product is going to be released and judging by the...
  7. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I still think this whole prototype pre order thing is such bulls***. Like Square Enix showing off the Play Arts Kai Tifa at like conventions and stuff before you could even pre order it 'wow the face looks so good omg' only to reduce the actual quality by 50% for the actual product that...
  8. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I mean this seamless stuff is just trying its best to copy like actual human skin but the overall quality isnt really there, thats why they are still just trying. The best for now is still not good enough to do everything with it. All of this stuff is going to break if you push it. (brute...
  9. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I really hope thats the actual GT Tifa in hand, so that we finally have one good Tifa. I mean just look at the headsculpts we got so far (these are the actual products, not faked pre order shots) ... yeah i know, pretty much all of these statues are sexy versions, whatever, but not a single one...
  10. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Really depends on what you wanna do in terms of posing. If you want like extreme kick, splits, sitting poses and stuff like that, its way safer to use these exposed joint bodies and then hide the joints with clothing. Sure, you can do these poses with seamless silicone bodies too but good luck...
  11. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    @BladeS True, but even here: as far as i know these are no official shots for the shops, it doesnt even say Gametoys or anything on the photos. So we are looking at some kind of early test preview stuff for people who cant get enough and want to see every step. And i mean if it comes with the...
  12. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I mean its hard to tell if Gametoys version is on the 'fan service' side too or not because for now its just a (prototype?) headsculpt and a nude body. That doesnt mean much, thats just how these figures look with a body + headsculpt. Gametoys didnt advertise their version as some kind of...
  13. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Yeah, the face sculpt reveal or however you wanna call it, is from Dayus Facebook page, uploaded like five days ago. Well, now with all the Tifas released so far, there are two things standing out: 1. ALL of the prototype / render / pre order pictures of ALL these statues look different than the...
  14. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Dayu Studio Tifa Prototype render vs the real product Is there any actual like 'decent' Remake Tifa 1/6 or 1/4 statue? I feel like all of them look pretty meh, mostly more like a Tifa cosplayer or some weird original vs remake mash up. I mean even Square Enix own figure looks bad. F4 Studio...
  15. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Yeah but i mean all of this stuff belongs to Square Enix. Like all of the money that people are paying for these unlicensed products, coud be Square Enix money if they would offer the same products. So basically instead of doing anything with the fan merch requests, they arent even trying to...
  16. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    I still dont understand why Square Enix doesnt have their own like Final Fantasy HQ 1/6 or 1/4 series. Like they have so many characters and fan favourites, they could easily sell official 1/4 and 1/6 scale 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 USD / € Cloud and Tifa statues instead of these cheap Bring Arts...
  17. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Yeah but even there i would straighten his arm from time to time, otherwise its possible that it will leave a permanent wrinkle in the inner part of the joint. Just to be safe
  18. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Personally i would never pose seamless body figures (parts) with like a bending ellbow, knee up, shoulder blades to the front or grabbing something behind the head etc. Once the material gets overworked / strained its gonna be damaged forever. I know that these type of figures are made for...
  19. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Does somebody know where this Tifa head sculpt is from? It seems like its 1/6 scale but i dont think its Gametoys and i can not find any information about it anywhere. I found this picture five days ago, but just the link to the picture and nothing else. So its probably a custom made one?
  20. T

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Well, judging by these unlicensed female statues, the cast off ones are always sold out first. Maybe these studios want to distract from their overall face painting and modeling skills, maybe they think it has the potential to gain the interest of more people. (fans of the IP and ... horny...