If anyone is interested... I managed to swap the body. Between the S22a and S16a bodies, i found the S16 had better proportions for Selene. She is a little bit taller and her arms are a little shorter now, but she still looks good to me. Removing the pegs out of her boots was a headache.
update for anyone who is interested... best price i found was here... still expensive for a 3rd party figure...
It's far from a perfect figure, but i'm content with how it came out. It's not the worst figure that i've invested in. I suppose that it will do for now.
i had recently purchased my second Celtic for the purpose of converting it to the Chopper pred off ebay for $315 free shipping, plus tax. The figure is in great condition. it took me some time to find one for less than $350-$400
Does anyone still make custom masks and gear? I was looking to convert a Celtic pred to the Chopper. I saw a decent chopper mask on eBay, but the way the sculptor makes them is for a generic fit and looks too big for the head.
I'd still pick it up regardless of how bad the movie was. There's always room for another predator in my collection. It's not stopping Neca from capitalizing on predator fans one bit. The figures they're releasing for this movie don't look bad either.