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  1. HarryBlack

    Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

    Yep. And they were still hard to get in! The wrist peg ends are like mushrooms! Definitely not the right pegs for Arthurs hands. So done some checking and there was an issue for a few of these, so guess I was one of the unlucky ones stuck with fat mushrooms! But I do have another Lim Toys...
  2. HarryBlack

    Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

    Just got this great figure from ebay, but there is a big issue with mine: FAT WRIST PEGS!!!!! Cannot swap out hands (at least not easily). I did see that the first production back in 2021 had a few with this issue before correcting but wonder how difficult it would be to swap the wrist pegs...
  3. HarryBlack

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    I went with BCS because they've always been reliable, but look like I won't be getting Kirk until Feb at the earliest, but deposit already paid so will keep my eyes open for shipping updates from them.
  4. HarryBlack

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    For UK buyers, I think Big Chief Studios must get their stock from Sideshow. I doubt we'll get these any time soon - Feb at the earliest? Have Sideshow starting shipping orders out yet?
  5. HarryBlack

    EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

    Thanjs for sharing. Already EXO-6 and Sideshow sites both sold out on the Kirk Motion Picture figure. Thankfully saw Big Chief Studios in the UK still accepting preorders! Phew! 😃 Can't wait to get this thr. And the Spock figure looks amazing.
  6. HarryBlack

    Threezero - First Blood - 1/6 scale John Rambo

    Threezero have produced a great figure. This is a must have. The Sly Stallone shop First Blood is nice too, but Threezero give us the guns which Rambo kinda needs. Can't wait to get this in my collection 😍
  7. HarryBlack

    Threezero - First Blood - 1/6 scale John Rambo

    Production versions of Stallone Shop's own First Blood 1/6 Rambo have just been reviewed by Dean Knight and Justin's Collection. Both full of praise, but I want to see someone compare the Threezero version next to it so we know which is better. Both look good.
  8. HarryBlack

    Threezero - First Blood - 1/6 scale John Rambo

    Indeed. Threezero are capable of brilliance. I hope they can knock this one out the park.
  9. HarryBlack

    Threezero - First Blood - 1/6 scale John Rambo

    It is shipping this month - JUNE!!! Just checked their website and it's scheduled to ship out this expect reviews very VERY soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    Quite the rant there! So you don't like a toy, and? Return it, get your money back. I'm sure that could be arranged. I however love it and am very glad I have Connery Dr. No in my collection. I don't play with my figure and sent into into battle with GI Joe. It sits on a shelf where it looks great.
  11. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    Would love a Dalton figure!
  12. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    And the one the official 007 Store website. Not surprised. Bond collectors don't get new toys very often (it's not a Marvel franchise) and they've waited a long time.
  13. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    What I loved about the Sideshow figures were their stunning boxes. Beautiful poster art. I still think their statues
  14. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    It's a great figure. But is it perfect? No. But I still rate it highly. In person he's very impressive. For Bond collectors it will be a grail piece for sure. He has some flaws, sure, but in a simple pose he OWNS the shelf. Love it.
  15. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    It's a great figure.
  16. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    Calm down. So much negativity from people who don't even have the figure! The figure is very good. It looks great even compared to my Hot Toys figures. I guess if you're going out your way to find faults (yes there are minor issues here and there) knock yourself out. Is up there with the...
  17. HarryBlack

    Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

    Just got him! The Dr No James Bond figure is FANTASTIC! Huge sigh of relief. It has surpassed my expectations. The Connery face sculpt is masterful. The tailoring is great too. I love it. Great job Big Chief!
  18. HarryBlack

    Threezero - First Blood - 1/6 scale John Rambo

    It's not even on Threezero's shipping schedule. It's disappeared (probably Covid to blame), so don't hold your breath. This won't ship for several months.
  19. HarryBlack

    Threezero - First Blood - 1/6 scale John Rambo

    Still no news on this one so had a look at Threezero's website which shows shipping schedules. Rambo isn't even on it, so I wouldn't expect to see this for another few months - more like Q4! :( I think the China's strict covid laws means every business is suffering. If someone even sneezes...