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  1. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys -TMS044 - The Mandalorian: The Armorer (2021 Toy Fair Exclusive)

    Wow! Looks fantastic. Season 1 Mando now complete. OG Mando, IG-11, Kuiil on Blurrg and the Armourer. What a display that will be!
  2. Smudger9

    Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

    Re: Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba F The leaked photos are of a human character. I was just speculating whether we would also see Pao and Bissan.
  3. Smudger9

    Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

    Re: Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba F After the great announcement of Kuiil, I hope HT gives us more aliens going forwards. A prominent secondary character from Rogue One has been seen on leaked Andor set pictures. Hopefully this means they will...
  4. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Kuiil

    Sooo excited for this release. Anyone on the fence about IG-11 needs to jump on him quickly. I can see him going the same way as K2SO.
  5. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Kuiil

    Yes yes yes! Great news to wake up to, and he looks amazing.
  6. Smudger9

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    Totally refreshing and he?s gone up significantly in my estimation. I?m sick of the current western trend of shielding the truth to avoid offence. Tell it how it is! The ST was an epic failure and it?s merchandise has been toxic to the Star Wars brand.
  7. Smudger9

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    You must realise that?s not even remotely possible. Mandalorian is pushing 20 figures already. The fact that there hasn?t been a single Poe figure from the ST tells you all you need to know.
  8. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Kuiil

    I would love this to be true. But No. 9 makes me think this a wind up. I can?t imagine anyone involved with official Star Wars merchandise being that frank about the ST!
  9. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Kuiil

    What coupons are these?
  10. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - TMS047 - Star Wars The Mandalorian - Artillery Stormtrooper

    Hot Toys - TMSXXX - Star Wars The Mandalorian - Artillery Stormtrooper I didnt get the incinerator trooper and wasn?t interested in this....... but I cant help thinking how nice they would look together....
  11. Smudger9

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    Couldn?t disagree more. 3PO is fantastic in ESB. Much needed levity in a dark movie. His dynamic with Han is amazing. It?s a careful balance with 3PO because he can be annoying. Kersh got it right in ESB, Lucas got it wrong in AOTC.
  12. Smudger9

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    3PO is a treasured character spanning all 3 trilogies. If used well, he is a fantastic character.... see ESB. We will see him again.
  13. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - TMS 008 - The Mandalorian: Bounty Hunter Droid IG-11 Collectible Figure

    He won?t be in S1. I?d be amazed if he doesn?t pop up in S2. And I?d be amazed if HT doesn?t offer a 2-pack Cassian-K2 at some point.
  14. Smudger9

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    I think we all are. I?m amazed HT haven?t made her..... even Figuarts have done an armourer figure. Fingers crossed she appears in S3.
  15. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Kuiil

    Kuill followed by the armourer please! I?m hopeful for both. I think Mando S1 caught HT off-guard with its popularity and they are still playing catch up. We?ve had all the main players from S2 with the exception of Fennic, who we?ll probably get after BOBF.
  16. Smudger9

    Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

    Re: Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba F The ST really was a crime and it?s difficult to know who is most culpable. The main issue was that there was no story map for it. Had they given Michael Arndt an extra year, he would have delivered. I suspect...
  17. Smudger9

    1/6 Hot Toys - The Clone Wars: Coruscant Guard Collectible Figure

    That?s a difficult one. The issue is that if they do, many people will then want an extra one and the secondary market will go mad. Almost better to do it as an exclusive with the Bad Batch line.
  18. Smudger9

    1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

    Beyond TPM Kenobi and a battle droid, I can?t see any more TPM figures being made by HT. A lot of us would buy Jar Jar, but I doubt HT is brave enough to make one. AOTC will probably give us Arena Padme, eventually, a Phase 2 clone any maybe mullet Kenobi. ROTS will hopefully get us Grievous...