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  1. juntao05

    Star Ace Harry Potter Sixth Scale Figure

    Sweet! Can't wait to have it myself. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  2. juntao05

    [bbkill] Bond Connery, 28 Nov calling payment #1

    Re: [bbkill] Bond Connery #1 9 Oct update Very interested. Put me down for one. Thanks
  3. juntao05

    Mezco 1/12 Judge Dredd

    It's posted in pictures 4,5 and 7 above.
  4. juntao05

    Giving a Shout out to Steve Giunta for an amazing custom paint job

    I couldn't agree more. And always keeps you updated on the work he's doing to your sculpt. I think this has become his appreciation thread. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  5. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Yours does look better. I like how you made the white make up rubbed into his hair. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  6. juntao05


    Re: Big Chief Studios Sherlock, Iminime, 1/6 custom Figure Bump for Sherlock.
  7. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Heath Ledger would be proud of that. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  8. juntao05

    [bbkill] Bond Connery, 28 Nov calling payment #1

    Re: [bbkill] Bond Connery #1 9 Oct update I'm definitely down for this.
  9. juntao05


    Re: Hot Toys, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow DX 06, 1/6 figure, Sideshow Bump for today.
  10. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Very nice transition between the sculpted hair and the real one. I had to really zoom in. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  11. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Don't know. I bought it from a friend. That Joker looks lifelike. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  12. juntao05

    Seb's Customs : General Kael hs

    Re: F_seb Customs : Wolverine headsculpt finish That head looks viscous. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  13. juntao05

    Master Works/ Iminime Sherlock figure.

    No I don't, sorry. I bought the outfit from a buddy of mine. I think he wanted the head for a custom Kahn. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  14. juntao05

    Master Works/ Iminime Sherlock figure.

    That's correct. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  15. juntao05

    Master Works/ Iminime Sherlock figure.

    Here ya go, I'll post mine. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  16. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Here is my custom Sherlock. Thanks to Jacob for the awesome paint. Still haven't put on the scarf, takes a lot of futzing for me. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  17. juntao05

    Big Chief Studios BBC Sherlock

    Thanks. Much happier with it.
  18. juntao05

    Big Chief Studios BBC Sherlock

    Thought I'd post my Sherlock. Painted by Rahmier. Body by Dam Toys reconnaissance figure. I'm using The Wolverine jacket and pants till his outfit arrives in the mail. Shirt and shoes are original. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  19. juntao05

    Superman Christopher Reeve Anniversary.

    That's epic.
  20. juntao05

    [8-bit paint & figure commissions]

    Re: [RIP Workshop | 8-bit] STAR WARS • JASON LIVES • WCW STING sculpt • NWO MACHO MAN Snap into a Slim Jim! Macho looks great. sent from The Leaky Cauldron