Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14
Many thanks to Jacob for this awesome paint.
Still waiting on the new body and outfit. I'll post a pic of the completed figure.
sent from The Leaky Cauldron
Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14
Blondie looks terrific. I'd have one for myself if I knew where to get the outfit. Outstanding.
sent from The Leaky Cauldron
Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14
Wow! You really painted life into Sherlock. Phenomenal. My hat's off to you sir.
"I May be on the side of Angels. But don't for one second think I am one of them"-Sherlock
Mines was like that. I stretched that rubber ring to it's rightful place. Inserted the arm back in the socket then extended the arm towards where the ring is bent and let the arm peg rest on it for a couple days. worked for me.
Lol, no I would never display my figures on the window. I like taking pics with daylight. It's too gloomy where I keep them and I don't like to use flash.
sent from The Leaky Cauldron