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  1. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Many thanks to Jacob for this awesome paint. Still waiting on the new body and outfit. I'll post a pic of the completed figure. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  2. juntao05

    YH Ha - Custom work.- Agent DC

    Re: YH Ha - Custom work. Maybe just a tad too wide but I'll take one :) sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  3. juntao05

    Star Ace Harry Potter - Sirius Black

    I have high hopes for this line. Looking forward to Voldemort and Mad-Eye.
  4. juntao05

    Threezero - Game of Thrones - 1/6 Eddard (Ned) Stark Figure

    I think it looks better. At least he doesn't have the vulcan eye brows.
  5. juntao05

    [8-bit paint & figure commissions]

    Re: [RIP Workshop | 8-bit] ***recent paint commission works*** Awesome old Ben. Skin looks so real. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  6. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Nice details on the snake. You must have some steady hands and a super magnifier.
  7. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Blondie looks terrific. I'd have one for myself if I knew where to get the outfit. Outstanding. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  8. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Love Sherlock s eyes, so lifelike. Fantastic job on Clark. Is he on an aci body? sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  9. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Wow! You really painted life into Sherlock. Phenomenal. My hat's off to you sir. "I May be on the side of Angels. But don't for one second think I am one of them"-Sherlock
  10. juntao05

    1/6 Hot Toys - Iron Man 3: MMS197D02 Mark XLII Diecast Series Official Spec/Pics

    Mines was like that. I stretched that rubber ring to it's rightful place. Inserted the arm back in the socket then extended the arm towards where the ring is bent and let the arm peg rest on it for a couple days. worked for me.
  11. juntao05

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Golden Age Captain America

    Lol, no I would never display my figures on the window. I like taking pics with daylight. It's too gloomy where I keep them and I don't like to use flash. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  12. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 That skin tone on Clark is really great. Can't stop starring at it. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  13. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Really diggin that Sherlock. Curious as to how you painted under his bangs.
  14. juntao05

    GalactiCustoms! ☢ Commissions Closed !!!☢ Will Resume later in the Fall

    Re: GalactiCustoms! ☢ Merle ☢ Barbossa ☢ Cohle ☢ Sith-akin & more!!! Awesome Drakes and Bond. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  15. juntao05

    Master Works/ Iminime Sherlock figure.

    For those who have this figure, what type of body does it come in? And congrats sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  16. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 As soon as I saw the Sherlock, the theme starts playing in my head. Looking good. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  17. juntao05

    Rahmier84 paint and mods...comissions closed

    Re: Rahmier84 update 8-16-14 Awesome batch. Especially Sherlock, Blondie and Wonka. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  18. juntao05

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Golden Age Captain America

    He looks so patriotic, lol. sent from The Leaky Cauldron
  19. juntao05

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Golden Age Captain America

    I believe they were down to the last one when I bought it. sent from The Leaky Cauldron