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  1. The Josh

    Jurassic World (SPOILERS!)

    Reports are coming out this made between 208-209 million this past weekend.
  2. The Josh

    Jurassic World (SPOILERS!)

    Re: Jurassic World He must be looking at Max. :lol
  3. The Josh

    HBO's Game of Thrones

    Actually, I didn't post something similar after last season. I thought last season was pretty good as a whole.
  4. The Josh

    HBO's Game of Thrones

    Let me clarify then. White Walkers. :lol
  5. The Josh

    Jurassic World (SPOILERS!)

    Re: Jurassic World Really liked this movie. A solid 8.5/10 for me and much much better than say Mediocre Max. :)
  6. The Josh

    HBO's Game of Thrones

    I'm rooting for the walkers at this point.
  7. The Josh

    SDCC 2015

    I won't be doing any kind of coverage thread this year. So I'm leaving it up to someone else to do that. There are enough sites that give all the exclusives and panels.
  8. The Josh

    HBO's Game of Thrones

    Yeah, I've read that a few places. Either it's a smoke screen or this show is trying to screw itself over. At some point people wash their hands of this kind of crap. Like I said **** this show. I'll probably see what they do next season just to see how things go when they don't have a book but...
  9. The Josh

    HBO's Game of Thrones

    **** this show.
  10. The Josh

    Mad Max: Fury Road

    Oops my bad. :lol
  11. The Josh

    Mad Max: Fury Road

    This movie had some neat designs and was a cool car chase. That's about it.
  12. The Josh

    Brad Bird's - TOMORROWLAND

    I really quite enjoyed this myself. Started a little slow but picked up quite nicely. Loved the messages that this movie sent out and the movie itself was pretty solid.
  13. The Josh

    Statue Sideshow Weta Stone Trolls Statue/Environment

    I thought the trolls in The Hobbit looked awesome. I don't think they looked tons better but I liked what we got.
  14. The Josh

    1/6 Oin the Dwarf - Weta

    Looks great. I'll snag him later in the summer.
  15. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." His reaction to them saying they were born in 1992 would be my reaction. :lol
  16. The Josh

    Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

    I loved the movie myself. Saw it during the 11 movie marathon (at my AMC that was chosen) and then again on Saturday. I think it's just a smidge better than Avengers one but it is a photo finish between the two.
  17. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." I haven't seen anything that's really ruined Ep7. There's no way to avoid it all. Especially when you've just been to a SW convention (not me mind you). :lol
  18. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." That's one of the best LOTR statues ever, IMO. Avengers 2 was darn good too.
  19. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop's Bolg Statue

    Great stuff all. Been busy so haven't been able to see all the updates until now.