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  1. The Josh

    1/6 Oin the Dwarf - Weta

    I gotta hold off ordering right now myself. It really is a case of too much too fast since the start of the year.
  2. The Josh

    RIP Andrew Lesnie

    No problem and don't worry about it.
  3. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." Good luck :rock :duff
  4. The Josh

    RIP Andrew Lesnie

    Just merging the two threads.
  5. The Josh

    Celebration Anaheim 2015 - April 16-19 - Confirmed!

    That's the one. I don't feel like paying either one of those. I'd go for just one day which appears to be $61 plus gas to fill the car up at somepoint will be another $30. ugh.
  6. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." Nice! That's pretty cool! Awesome :rock We're on the same page. :rock
  7. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." It's in the job description. :lol I read this as Baggins in a Ringwraith voice. :lol
  8. The Josh

    Celebration Anaheim 2015 - April 16-19 - Confirmed!

    Got ya. I'll have to check their site out and see what it runs then. If it is too much and I'm going for just one day I don't think I will spend the gas to drive on top of a pass.
  9. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop Mini-Smaug Statue

    Thanks! I hadn't looked at them since I took them but they seem to have come out ok. It is really quite detailed especially for a smaller version. So pleased to have both of them.
  10. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop's Bolg Statue

    No problem and thanks! Yeah, it seems to nail the close ups. I can count on those. That's why I gotta concentrate on the others. :lol I love taking outside shots because you get pretty good ones with that natural light. Like I said to took some nice shots. :rock
  11. The Josh

    1/6 Oin the Dwarf - Weta

    I was thinking more the back end of the 3-4 weeks. :lol
  12. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop Mini-Smaug Statue

    IMG_3113 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3121 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3123 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3126 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3134 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3137 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3146 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3158 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr...
  13. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop Mini-Smaug Statue

    IMG_3065 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3069 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3083 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3084 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3086 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3102 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3105 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3109 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr...
  14. The Josh

    Statue Weta Workshop Mini-Smaug Statue

    Some pics I took a while back. IMG_3013 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3015 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3018 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3023 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3026 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3031 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr IMG_3046 by Elessar_TORn, on Flickr...
  15. The Josh

    Hallmark Smaug Ornament

    That is pretty cool. If they have it at SDCC I may have to get it.
  16. The Josh

    (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

    re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..." I didn't either until I got my He-Man art book today. I saw that and thought it was pretty darn cool.
  17. The Josh

    Celebration Anaheim 2015 - April 16-19 - Confirmed!

    I've never been to a WW event so I'm curious to see one and Weta being there is quite tempting. What do tickets normally run?