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  1. toty21

    SS Alien Day Reveals

  2. toty21

    SS Alien Day Reveals

    Just in case anyone is interested, this is what SSAlex said about Alien Day. Anyone has any ideas of what they might be revealing? :) Hello Alex, do you know if Sideshow will be participating in the Alien Day 4/26 celebration with some form of new announcement or product reveal other than the...
  3. toty21

    Statue Prime 1 Alien License

    Re: Prime 1 Alien LIcense? How do you know darkmummy?
  4. toty21

    Dog Alien life-size head - Coolprops

    Not to jump the gun too much here, but these paint jobs don't bode well for their upcoming 1/3 scale maquettes which will require a lot more finesse. :-/
  5. toty21

    Matrix Studios Predator?

    While browsing for some of the production and casting pics for their upcoming Alien queen I came across these 2 pics. Does anyone spot anything familiar in these pics? :) If anyone has anymore info on this please post.
  6. toty21

    Matrix Studio 1/4 Alien Queen

    Looks like Matrix Studio will be releasing a 1/4 scale Alien Queen this month:
  7. toty21

    Statue Mamegyorai---1/3 scale ALIEN Quadrilogy Statues

    Actually, it looks like this is indeed a toy manufacturer, which means this announcement may very well be true indeed :dunno...they are producing statues now:
  8. toty21

    Statue Prime 1 Alien License

    Re: Prime 1 Alien LIcense? I believe they were talking about the full body maquette.
  9. toty21

    Statue Prime 1 Alien License

    Re: Prime 1 Alien LIcense? Prime1 just confirmed that they will be making a 1/3 Alien Queen :horror
  10. toty21

    Statue Prime 1 Alien License

    Re: Prime 1 Alien LIcense? Yes Kelvin Loke in FB has confirmed that Prime1 Studios has indeed acquired the Alien license, and that we should be seeing a prototype by the end of the year. I am hoping that finally someone can do a proper 1/4 scale Big Chap and also an Ellen Ripley.
  11. toty21

    Prime 1 Independence Day: Alien 1/1 bust

    Why are you disappointed?
  12. toty21

    PCS - The Howling

    At a 1/4 scale, by chance does anyone know approximately how tall this Howling werewolf statue would be?
  13. toty21

    1/3 Alien Newborn Coolprops

    I know I am in the minority on this one, but that is actually what I do not like from Coolprops. I feel that doing exact replicas from existing molds has its place, but it doesn't always work, take for instance the P2 bust dreadlocks. It seems to me that they should have been made from scratch...
  14. toty21

    1/3 Alien Newborn Coolprops

    Although I am also not a fan of the film, I do like that they have reproduced what seems like a high quality maquette replica. I honestly did not think that they would be able to. I am hoping other xenomorphs, predators and hopefully the queen alien are also reproduced in this fashion...and...
  15. toty21

    Statue Wolf Predator Legendary Scale Bust

    Here is an interview with the sculptor of the Wolf Predator LSB (Amilcar Fong), my apologies if this was posted already. Interesting questions asked here:
  16. toty21

    Statue New Frank Frazetta Death Dealer 1:4

    OK cool thanks for the info.
  17. toty21

    Statue New Frank Frazetta Death Dealer 1:4

    Notification for how many boxes? I got for 2
  18. toty21


    I must say in this video taken at the SDCC, the Predator maquette looks absolutely fabulous, big head, misplaced thigh armor and all :drool
  19. toty21

    Prime 1 Independence Day: Alien 1/1 bust

    Prime 1 has stated that they do all of their organic pieces with translucent resin. BTW, here is a video of both ID pieces, go to minute 8:15
  20. toty21

    Prime 1 - Independence day: Resurgence Alien soldier.

    Re: Prime 1 Independence day Alien