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  1. toty21

    Statue Illidan Stormrage by Blizzard

    Here is Brian Fay at Blizzcon working on Blizzard's new statue Illidan Stormrage:
  2. toty21

    Predator Tattoo

    I saw this one on FB. It is a cool one.
  3. toty21

    Sideshow Starcraft Kerrigan Statue

    Every picture says "Prototype shown", so this may not be the production piece...I really hope this is, as this looks immaculate.
  4. toty21

    *******First4Figures Statue Thread - (ZELDA, SONIC, METROID, ETC) ***Post Yours***

    I received this statue from F4F today and it looks amazing. I wonder if they will be making more characters, creatures from this line.
  5. toty21

    WTB Arthas Statue

    If you have the SS Arthas statue for sale please shoot me a message.
  6. toty21

    Need advice from collectors, Project Triforce is a joke?

    BTW, they sent me an e-mail letting me know that the Goliath statue will not ship until late first quarter of 2016, so you might not be seeing this statue until April next year...just a heads up.
  7. toty21

    SSC Alien 'Big Chap Jesus Pose' & Predator Rumours

    Re: Sideshow Alien Big Chap LSF & 1987 Predator LSF!!! It has been confirmed by Igo on the other forum that the Alien will be 1/5 scale , I knew it from the moment I saw the sculpt. :dunno
  8. toty21

    Statue Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette.

    Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette. BACK UP FOR PO. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl Loved that part in the movie :lol
  9. toty21

    SSC Alien 'Big Chap Jesus Pose' & Predator Rumours

    Re: Sideshow Alien Big Chap LSF & 1987 Predator LSF!!! I saw these posted on the other forum. Where was it confirmed that this would be an LSF and not a 1/5th scale statue like some are saying? Thanks
  10. toty21

    Statue Grommash Hellscream Statue (Blizzard Collectibles)

    That is EXACTLY what happened...hence the excuse of missing deadlines, etc
  11. toty21

    Statue Grommash Hellscream Statue (Blizzard Collectibles)

    This most likely will come out mid next year as this seems to be the trend for all statues that are being mass produced in China and were solicited at the same time this one was.
  12. toty21

    NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

    Not sure if these have been posted yet, but they are from the NECA website. They look like the final prototype for the Alien 22" figure:
  13. toty21

    Xm Studios Darkness

    Looks very nice and intricate. I imagine this will be a pretty penny.
  14. toty21

    WTB Sideshow Predalien Maquette

    Please send me a message if you have one for sale. Thanks
  15. toty21

    Article: Alien VS Predator Predator - Machiko Noguchi, She-Predator - Premium Format(TM) Figure

    Great Machiko review here:
  16. toty21

    Statue Medusa Victorious by ARH (1/4 scale)

    Hmmm...Am I missing something, or is Ehren Bienert not sculpting this Medusa for ARH? Don't even answer that, as I said...masterpiece. :thwak
  17. toty21

    Statue Medusa Victorious by ARH (1/4 scale)

    Here is a sneak peek fellas. I know many have been waiting for this masterpiece by ARH.
  18. toty21

    Statue Prime 1 Witcher Line

    Did they really annouce God of War? I read the thread on SF and I know they did announce Bloodbourne and also a partnership with Sony but I did not see them specify God of War. Do you have the post where they announced God of War as one of their future lines? Thanks