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  1. Animal Mother.

    The Spawn thread

    Yeah from what I understand, she's also Thor's sister now in Marvel cannon. If Todd couldn't make an Angela in the late 90's, no way in Malebolgia's hell can he do one now.
  2. Animal Mother.

    The Spawn thread

    I really wish Todd could have gone about things better with Gaiman. I'd have loved a new Angela figure based on her original costume/todd toys figure.
  3. Animal Mother.

    Hot Toys MMS372 BvS: Dawn of Justice Knightmare Batman Collectible Figure

    I'm pretty sure I saw something that OSK posted on FB that they would consider making more if they had enough likes/posts showing demand (I believe they easily did).
  4. Animal Mother.

    The Spawn thread

    HUGE thanks to Luisenigma1 for hooking me up with the Classic and Modern versions of this guy. I felt the same excitement that I had back in 1994 when saw the figures in stores. I'm sure nostalgia is a big factor but if anything, they exceeded my expectations even. Reindhardt, Did you do any...
  5. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Line

    Seems to be the case. It's the only one I've never seen in stores and is mostly sold out online. Gamestop has it sometimes and Best Buy got them in over the weekend.
  6. Animal Mother.

    The Spawn thread

    Back at ya :D I know these have their critics out there but as someone who bought Spawn figures from day 1 (I still remember finding Spawn and Medieval Spawn among a mess of toys at Wal-Mart back in 1994), the in hand pics are looking fantastic to me.
  7. Animal Mother.

    The Spawn thread

    On that note, if anyone does gets a classic and modern and decides they want to sell (not for ebay pricing : p ) pls lemme know : )
  8. Animal Mother.

    Hot Toys Batman Forever 1/6th scale Robin Collectible figure

    Yeah he didn't use anything in BF and really wasn't on screen much in the costume, just at the very end. He kicked around Two-Face a little bit, got taken hostage, and Batman had to save him and Chase. One thing that would have been a nice accessory would be his original circus outfit that he...
  9. Animal Mother.

    ThunderCats Classics by Mattel

    I totally understand thinking 400 is crazy. For me, TCats was always the line that got away. As a kid, I only got to to have a small handful of figures but badly wanted the entire line including the thundertank. I remember them being 7.99 and my mom usually scoffed at any figure back then that...
  10. Animal Mother.

    ThunderCats Classics by Mattel

    400 was going to be my cut off, but I can be flexible with 450. Not coming out for another year also helps.
  11. Animal Mother.

    Statue Tweeterhead DC Batman maquette 2021

    Hopefully this will either a)help with the after market availability of the Super Powers blue and grey Batman or b)make so I don't care about trying to track it down anymore :p I came into the line a day late after he dried up and its been driving me crazy since.
  12. Animal Mother.

    Official NECA Terminator Thread

    I found the PS T-800 at Wal-Mart yesterday. So relieved and thankful they decided to re-release him. Give me a Kyle re-release in any form (ultimate or in a 2 pack) and I'm good to go. Well, I wouldn't mind a future war Kyle either.
  13. Animal Mother.

    NECA 7" Michael Keaton Batman (Movie Version) Figure!!!!

    I was always surprised no one 3d printed a BR chest piece at this point.
  14. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    The latest wave is starting to slowly sell out. I got lucky and was able to nab a substandard Red Hood off of BBTS yesterday. Checked again this morning and he's now completely sold out there, as is Batman and Robin.
  15. Animal Mother.

    Official NECA Terminator Thread

    Same. I had the original pre-posed figure, so when that released I told myself I didn't need it. Kicked myself all these years. Now if there could just be some way for a Kyle Reese re-release, I'll be totally set.
  16. Animal Mother.

    Official NECA Terminator Thread

    Ahhh I totally missed that. Thanks for passing it along! So it's definitely out there now then : D
  17. Animal Mother.

    Official NECA Terminator Thread

    I've noticed this week the Ultimate Police Station Shootout T-800 popped up in a couple random IG "haul" posts, and also a few times for sale on Mercari out of nowhere. One of the listings definitely looks like the pic was taken inside a store (perhaps Wal-Mart). I know Randy at what point...
  18. Animal Mother.

    Big Bad Toy Store - Issues

    I'd shoot them an email. I've been placing orders and paying with both card and PP for the past few weeks with no issues.