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  1. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! Which are you looking for? Aside from the few cases like the GCPD set, they're all pretty much still available online from places like BBTS. As far as Kenner/DCC, I will say when it comes to sculpts like Bruce, I don't like one...
  2. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! Love that Bruce Wayne. Glassman custom head?
  3. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    I do want that Aquaman but I definitely think he'll be a Suicide Squad Harley in that he can wait for an ebay coupon.
  4. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    That makes me want to pick up a bootleg Batman to give him a more accurate neck/cowl piece.
  5. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    I already have a couple, but out of curiosity, what are you looking for?
  6. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Thanks for the pics! Little concerned about the qc control report you gave at the fwoosh though, but at the least she looks great standing with the others. Been waiting since 2016 to finish the BvS set.
  7. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! Heads up: Amazon Prime has the Batman expressions pack for $26.93 through themselves and Hubub (who I'm a fan of). Also one for $25.69 through another seller but backordered at the moment. I was never too hot on the set but at...
  8. Animal Mother.

    Official NECA Terminator Thread

    I think I know which attachment Sarah Connor preferred...
  9. Animal Mother.

    Statue Tweeterhead: Batman - 1:6 Super Powers Collection

    I'd love to pick up the ex. but need to save money where I can. I have some SS points left, so I'll go that route.
  10. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! Yeah a Farmer Brown would be an easy pass. Funny, I completely forgot about Penguin though.
  11. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! A TNBA Clayface would be a nice way of sneaking in a redo. Otherwise aside from a Hatter, Gordon, Bruce, Ventriloquist (not really necessary imo) and Talia, I'd consider the tnba line pretty much covered. Unless I'm missing...
  12. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Grabbed two from Entertainment Earth (I really miss the coupon codes :/ ). Didn't realize it was a little under a year away from release though.
  13. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! I might be off by a couple, but I also need more than I thought I did. -Bullock -Ras al Ghul -Talia -TAS Batgirl -Ventriloquist -Zatanna -Clayface -TNBA Joker -TNBA Catwoman -TNBA Harley/Girls Night Out Set Pretty sure i'll...
  14. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! I'm hoping the batcave drops again on Amazon. Had a 100 gc even at the time, but passed cause of space issues. But now i'm kicking myself and if given the chance, I'll just sleep in it, I don't care.
  15. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    In the pic spark extractor posted in the last page But I just realized that one doesn't say PX anywhere on it. exclusive perhaps?
  16. Animal Mother.

    DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

    Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!! The box was definitely an unnecessary gimmick, but around it's solicitation and release is when the line was coming to a halt. So to me from the very beginning it looked like they were trying to minimize losses on a planned...
  17. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Uhhh ok yeah I'm ordering 3 of those initially. But interesting, I guess the black bat version from the catalog isn't happening?
  18. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Thanks man! Surprised no one is talking about that on ig, but that crowd has a tendency to jack off to the same thing forever. And thats more than just a dark blue. The suit looks to have vinyl overlays more in like with AK. That might be a twofer for me.
  19. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Someone on Fwoosh mentioned seeing a pic of a PX version of SK Batman on a FB group. Haven't seen a single pic of such on Instagram though, so not sure if it's true or not. They mentioned the blue being a lot darker than AK.
  20. Animal Mother.

    Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

    Thats a nice sized piece broken off of Darkseid's gauntlet. The polystone idea is nuts :slap