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  1. M

    1/6 Hot Toys Avengers: Endgame - Armored Thanos

    Do the skin tones match between this Thanos and the Infinity War Thanos?
  2. M

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Battle Damaged Thanos

    The be fair, the same can probably be said for the regular armored Thanos :lol
  3. M

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Battle Damaged Thanos

    All my friends are saying they are canceling their regular version for this. I told them this was coming and they should of waited :lol
  4. M

    1/6 Hot Toys Captain Marvel Speculation Thread

    The good news is that it doesn’t actually look like Brie lol. Bring it on
  5. M

    Hot Toys 1/6 Black Panther Erik Killmonger

    Unfortunately the hair isn't in the right style, which is also one of the reasons I don't like the hot toys sculpt. The hair style on the hot toys sculpt isn't the style he wore throughout like 90% of the film.
  6. M

    Hot Toys 1/6 Black Panther Erik Killmonger

    Can get the necklace from hot toys T’Chaka I believe.
  7. M

    Hot Toys 1/6 Black Panther Erik Killmonger

    I did get excited when I saw this but later found out that it was a 1/6 statue. The headsculpt is phenomenal though. Much better than the hot toys one. Would be ideal if anyone wanted to kitbash a killmonger figure.
  8. M

    1/6 [Hot Toys] Daredevil: The Punisher

    Got a parts list for this? Very nice job
  9. M

    Hot Toys 1/6 Black Panther Erik Killmonger

    In desperate need of this version of Killmonger with his tribal mask: Hell, I'll even take the king Killmonger at this point, :lol
  10. M

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Iron Man Mark 7 Diecast

    Man I need to sell my Mark 50. It's one of the worse diecast IM armors. It sucks as a figure.
  11. M

    1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Spider-Man: Far From Home - Spider-Man (Black and red suit)

    QFT. Black panther taught me well on that. That JC Hong black panther sculpt was the very first Hot Toy photo I had ever seen. Boy was I disappointed when the final product released. :lol
  12. M

    Hot Toys 1/6 Black Panther Erik Killmonger

    All I can think of is how badly we need a tactical suit killmonger when looking at this picture.
  13. M

    1/6 Marvel's Spider-Man - 1/6th scale Spider-Man (Negative Suit) Collectible Figure

    Mega pass. Not a fan of any of the video game suits besides maybe scarlet spider and I even cancelled my order for that.
  14. M

    Hot Toys 1/6 Black Panther Erik Killmonger

    The unmasked head with this figure won’t match the tactical Killmonger. In fact it may actually make it look ugly. Need the right headsculpt with the side slung dreads.
  15. M

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Iron Man Mark 7 Diecast

    Yea the Mark 4 War Machine just destroys the Mark 50. So much more badass and well done. Seriously contemplating selling my Mark 50...
  16. M

    1/6 Hot Toys 1/6 Iron Man Mark 7 Diecast

    I doubt the Mark 50 ever gets up high in value. Like what was said, there are just way too many of them. I also don't think it was all that well done when I compare it to my other diecast figures. Seemed rushed.
  17. M

    1/6 1/6: Hot Toys - MMS470 - Black Panther - New Black Panther Figure

    I have both figures (actually looking at them now as I pose them) and the Civil War is the better figure, IMO. Debating selling the 2nd suit. Posed up with Killmonger, the Civil War suit scales and matches his intimidating look better.