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  1. Y

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Square Enix wanting to gatekeep their licences from third party, but don't provide any good statue or allow licencing. Only self made overpriced trash. Except this Prime 1 Terra who cost 16000$.
  2. Y

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    That's why i'm sticking with GT's Tifa. I know that GT will deliver quality, and we don't know how ACG's will turn out in the end. Also, not a fan of the dress version, and if it happen that ACG deliver, then i'm just gonna wait for the battle suit/2B/Aerith/Cloud.
  3. Y

    InArt - Hermione Granger 1/6 Collectible Figure

    It's already confirmed that they will be at the SDCC
  4. Y

    InArt - Hermione Granger 1/6 Collectible Figure

    They improved Harry's Likeness in the final product. I think Hermione will also improve until her release.
  5. Y

    InArt - Harry Potter 1/6 Collectible Figure

    Maybe to boost Ron and Hermione sales ?
  6. Y

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Tbh i dont like what GT did with Cloud. You sell you Cloud, but you greatly improved since it's release. Then you need to buy AC with the bike if you want two heads. Then they sell this soldier outfit without head so Dx AC also needed Then thoses arms. I like GT but it's a mess, between that and...
  7. Y

    InArt - Harry Potter 1/6 Collectible Figure

    They improved the likeness of Harry, that's a great thing Box is not good tho, not what i'm expecting when it's about Harry Potter.
  8. Y

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    There's still this earring thing. And body is home made 2B Aerith and Cloud are also planned Battle suit Tifa too iirc
  9. Y

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    You have two HS and you can choose if the additionnal Head is Tearless or not.
  10. Y

    Action Figure Final Fantasy VII Remake Collectibles

    Gonna pass on it, i'm fine with Gt's.
  11. Y

    JND/Kojun Works - 1/6 Harry Potter Line

    Due to all the criticisms JND faced with Harry, Preorders gonna be postponed. Further informations on Tuesday.
  12. Y

    JND/Kojun Works - 1/6 Harry Potter Line

    Thoses proportions... Inart all the way.
  13. Y

    JND/Kojun Works - 1/6 Harry Potter Line

    Ngl ppl are going nuts for anything, one pic with a bad lightning, or poor quality shot and everything shamble.
  14. Y

    JND/Kojun Works - 1/6 Harry Potter Line

    Jndizer youtube channel
  15. Y

    JND/Kojun Works - 1/6 Harry Potter Line

    Not trying to defend JND but they owe you nothing so far. They seems enthusiast about the project and if they wants to makes HP you have nothing to say about it. " ignoring the feeback " " zero business sense " You're the arrogant one here.